Tuesday, 5 November 2024

In reality, the experience is an impossibility because the reality is nondual.+

In reality, the experience is an impossibility because the reality is nondual. Experience is possible only in the domain of the dualistic illusion or Maya.

Experience implies duality. Experience belongs to an individual. The individual has nothing to do with the Soul, the Self because the Soul, the Self is not an individual because the Soul is nondual, the Soul is nondual because it is ever formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

Anubhav in the Advaitic contest is not an experience but it is the realization of the 'Self' hidden by the dualistic illusion (Maya or world). Remember the 'Self' is not an individual but the Self is a formless, timeless, and spaceless existence. the experience is possible only in the domain of form, time, and space. In reality, the form, time, and space are one in essence.

Sage Sankara himself has warned us not to use ambiguous words, and to practice semantic analysis (“Definition of one's own Self." Page 199, v.24 of "Sankara's Selected Works”

Sage Sankara strongly advocated the study of Upanishads, and at the same time cautioned that the study of Upanishads alone would not lead to moksha. In matters such as spiritual attainment, one’s own realization was the sole authority and it cannot be disputed

Sage Sankara also said the study of Upanishad was neither indispensable nor a necessary prerequisite for attaining the human goal, the moksha.

Sage Sankara pointed out; that even those who were outside the Upanishad fold were as eligible for moksha as those within the fold were. He declared that all beings are Brahman, and therefore the question of discrimination did not arise. All that one was required to do was to get rid of ignorance (Avidya or duality).

Sage Sankara: ~ 'Like a servant who carries a lamp in front of you to find your way, and you have found it, so becomes the Veda to that person. What is the Veda? ~ utterances of those who have known the Truth. Here is one who has known the Truth; why should he or she depend upon the Veda further? Actual realization takes you beyond books. At a certain stage, books become a botheration. The Upanishad itself says that the 'words are only so much of distraction for such minds'

Upanishads:~ They alone in this world are endowed with the highest wisdom who are firm in their conviction of the sameness and birthlessness of Atman. The ordinary man does not understand their way. (Chapter IV — Alatasanti Prakarana 95-P-188 in Upanishads by Nikilanada)

Sage Sankara himself says: ~ VC 59. The study of the Scriptures is useless so long as the highest Truth is unknown, and it is equally useless when the highest Truth has already been known.

60. The Scriptures, consisting of many words are a dense forest that merely causes the mind to ramble. Hence men of wisdom should earnestly set about knowing the true nature of the Self.

61. For one who has been bitten by the serpent of Ignorance, the only remedy is the knowledge of Brahman. Of what avail are the Vedas and (other) Scriptures, Mantras (sacred formulae), and medicines to such a one?

It is not that one should pore over the ancient scriptures. There is no need to study first, and then realize. One has to realize first, then only he will know ‘what is the truth’ and ‘what is untruth’. One has to make his discoveries through the process of rational thinking.

That is why Sage Sankara says:~ V C:~65. As a treasure hidden underground requires (for its extraction) competent instruction, excavation, the removal of stones and other such things lying above it, and (finally) grasping, but never comes out by being (merely) called out by name, so the transparent Truth of the Self, which is hidden by Maya and its effects, is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, followed by reflection, meditation and so forth, but not through perverted arguments.

It is not that one should pore over the ancient scriptures. There is no need to study first, and then realize. One has to realize first, then only he will know ‘what is the truth’ and ‘what is untruth’. One has to make his discoveries through the process of rational thinking.

Sage Sankara says: ~ What is accepted without a proper inquiry will not lead to the final Goal. (Commentary on Vedanta Sutra).

The "Self" cannot be experienced because the experience is possible only in the realm of duality. There is neither experience nor experiencer in reality. In Self-awareness, the body, ego, and the world are not considered different from consciousness.

The experience and experiencer exist within the domain of form, time, and space. The form, time, and space are within the domain of the dualistic illusion.

To experiencer must have a form, without the form the experience is impossible? The experience is impossible without form, time, and space. The experiencer and the experience are one, in essence. The essence is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

The Soul, the ‘Self’ is the fullness of the consciousness without the division of form, time, and space. All the division in consciousness is merely an illusion. Thus, other than consciousness all else is merely an illusion. The illusion is also consciousness because it is created out of consciousness.

The Atmic path is nothing to do with religion and the yogic path. The Atmic path is the path of wisdom. All your accumulated knowledge is nothing to do with the Atmic path.

The Atmic path is not a path of discussion or exchange of views and opinions but the direct realization of the 'Self' hidden by the dualistic illusion.

The seeker must have the patience to open the blogs and post and read. It will not only help you to clear all your cobwebs of doubts and confusion.

Without reading the blogs trying to argue on your own yardstick, is not of any use. Whatever you have read, whatever you have heard and accumulated becomes a hindrance in realizing the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space.

All your egocentric accumulated cocktail knowledge is not Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana soulcentric knowledge is not available in the spiritual supermarket.

All accumulated knowledge is mental Garbage is no use in the quest for truth. The seeker has to discard all the accumulated knowledge and start afresh.

Reading and reflecting on my blogs and postings gradually, the seekers will start assimilating and realizing ‘what is the truth’ and what the untruth is. Repeated reading of my blogs and postings makes the seeker Soulcentric and the inner dialogue will start and clear all the doubts and confusion.

Perfect understanding of ‘what is what’ through deeper thinking and reasoning helps to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

In the Atmic path, discussion of the unimportant subject matter is a great hindrance. The path of truth is the path of verification.

When there are no doubts and confusion, then they have realized the truth that form, time, and space are one in essence. And that essence is consciousness.

There is no use in wasting time in questioning and arguing same time and effort have to be used to make the seeker more independent and without external spoon-feeding he can reach the inner core, which is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

When there are no doubts and confusion, then they have realized the truth that form, time, and space are one in essence. And that essence is consciousness.

There is no use in wasting time in questioning and arguing same time and effort have to be used to make the seeker more independent and without external spoon-feeding he can reach the inner core, which is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.:~Santthosh Kumaar

It is not you who is forgetting the Soul, the innermost Self. It is the Soul that forgets itself within the dualistic illusion.+

It is not you who are forgetting the Soul, the Self. It is the Soul that forgets itself within the dualistic illusion.

Ignorance is the cause of the dualistic illusion. You and your world are within the dualistic illusion.

Thus, you and your individual experience of birth, life, death, and the world have nothing to do with the Soul, the Self. When ignorance vanishes, then the Soul, the Self, remains in its own nondual awareness.

Our body and the world in which we exist are made out of single stuff. That single stuff is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

Thus, the whole universe in which we exist is nothing but consciousness. Consciousness alone is real and the universe in which we exist is merely an illusion. Thus, all the contents of the universe are merely an illusion.

You are bound by birth, life and death, and the world. You are born in this world, which is merely an illusion.

You are living within the illusory world, and you are going to die within the illusory world. Whatever is born, lives, and dies in the illusory world, is not the Self.

Only in the dualistic illusion or Maya, there is form, time, and space. The form, time, and space within the illusory world have nothing to do with the Soul, the Self.

The Soul is present in the form of consciousness. From the standpoint of the Soul, the Self, there is no scope form, time, and space. In the real nature of the Soul, there is no scope for duality.

All the years you have passed are within the illusion. Billions of past and future years belong to the illusion.

The things that happened billions of years ago and the things that are to happen billions of years from now are happening within the illusion.

The illusion is an illusion that has nothing to do with the Soul, the innermost Self. The Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness, is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.

The practical life within the practical world has nothing to do with the Soul, the innermost Self. The Soul is the formless substance and the witness of the illusion.

In the realm of the truth, the substance and the witness of the illusion are one in essence. That essence is the Soul or consciousness. Thus, consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Monday, 4 November 2024

Sage Sankara:~Actual realization takes you beyond books. At a certain stage, books become a botheration.+

Sage Sankara:~ 'Like a servant who carries a lamp in front of you to find your way, and you have found it, so becomes the Veda to that person. What is the Veda? ~ utterances of those who have known the Truth. Here is one who has known the Truth; why should he or she depend upon the Veda further? Actual realization takes you beyond books. At a certain stage, books become a botheration. The Upanishad itself says that the 'words are only so much of distraction for such minds'

The man who possesses the highest intellect can grasp Advaita, by merely hearing the truth mentioned will know it.

Bhagavad Gita: ~ Reason as a means to reality. (Chap.18 verse 37)

In chap. 10 of in Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says: ~ I cannot save you, but I can give you Buddhi (reason). (chap. 10)

In chap. 10 of in Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says: ~ "I have given you the most secret teaching, now reflect over it all" Krishna plainly says reflect, think. (Verse 63 of Chap. 18)

Mundaka Upanishad says: ~ Both states are harmful and take you away from the path of inquiry into truth. (Page 234)

Ashtavakra Gita: ~ It is not the absence of Buddhi (Reason) that can grasp Advaita but the man who possesses the highest intellect. Brains are necessary. Such a man, by merely hearing the truth mentioned will know it. (Page~ 224).

Sage Sankara himself had often said that his philosophy was based on Sruti, or revealed scripture. This may be because Sage Sankara addressed the ordinary man, who finds security in the idea of causality and thus, in the idea of God—and Revelation is indispensable to prove the latter. He believed that those of superior intelligence, have no need for this idea of divine causality, and can, therefore, dispense with Shruti and arrive at the truth of Advaita by pure reason.

All your egocentric accumulated cocktail knowledge is not Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is soulcentric knowledge, which is not available in the spiritual supermarket.

All accumulated knowledge is mental Garbage is no use in the quest for truth. The seeker has to discard all the accumulated knowledge and start afresh.

Perfect understanding of ‘what is what’ through deeper thinking and reasoning helps to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Reading and reflecting on my blogs and postings gradually, the seekers will start assimilating and realizing ‘what is the truth’ and what the untruth is. Repeated reading of my blogs and postings makes the seeker, Soulcentric, and the inner dialogue will start and clear all the doubts and confusion.

When there are no doubts and confusion, then they have realized the truth that form, time, and space are one in essence. And that essence is consciousness.

There is no use in wasting time in questioning and arguing the same time and effort have to be used to make the seeker more independent and without external spoon-feeding, he can reach the inner core, which is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

In the Atmic path discussion of unimportant subject matter is a great hindrance. The path of truth is the path of verification. Nothing has to be accepted as truth without verification.

Agreeing to disagree causes unnecessary friction. Truth is very simple but it is very difficult to grasp because of ignorance.

You have to only realize the world in which you exist is created out of a single clay. And that single clay is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

Thus, you and your body and the world in which you exist are nothing but consciousness because they are merely an illusion created out of consciousness.

A perfect understanding of ‘what is what’ is needed. A Gnani can point at the sky, but the seeing of the star is the seeker's own work. It is necessary to reflect on the same truth again and again till it becomes a reality.

One needs to constantly reflect on the subject until he gets a firm conviction of what is what. Words are needed until one gets a firm conviction of ‘what is what’.

People need reading and hearing the words to think reason, reflect deeply, and reach the ultimate end. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Sage Sankara:- In matters spiritual attainment, one’s own realization was the sole authority and it cannot be disputed.+

India is the ancient land, where wisdom made its home India whose soil has been trodden by the feet of the greatest sages of truth like Bhagavan Buddha, Sage Sankara, and Sage Goudpada.

Swami Vivekananda: ~ “Advaita encompasses everything. Since Advaita requires heavy-duty intellectualism, it had to be progressively simplified. (From 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda

India is the fountainhead of Advaitic wisdom. Advaitic wisdom is brighter and greater which unfolds the mystery of the universe containing the whole of humanity.

The goal of the truth seeker is to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is inherent in every seeker of truth.

Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana does not come from outside, it is hidden within the world in which we exist.

Sage Sankara strongly advocated the study of Upanishads, and at the same time cautioned that the study of Upanishad alone would not lead to moksha. In matters such as spiritual attainment, one’s own realization was the sole authority and it cannot be disputed

Self-knowledge cannot be attained by the study of the scriptures and intellectual understanding or by bookish knowledge. Therefore, there is no use in studying the scriptures and other scriptures to acquire non-dual wisdom.

That is why Bhagavan Buddha rejected the scriptures, and even Sage Sankara indicated that the ultimate truth lies beyond religion, the concept of God, and the scriptures.

Rig Veda: ~ The Atman is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe.

Sage Sankara ~ VC~ "All this universe which through ignorance appears as of diverse forms, is nothing else but Brahman which is absolutely free from all the limitations of human thought

Ashtavakra Gita: ~ “The universe rises from the Soul, the innermost Self like bubbles from the sea. Thus, know the Self to be One and in this way enter into the state of dissolution."

Sage Sankara says the transparent Truth of the Self, which is hidden by the illusion, is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, (Gnani).

First, know ‘what is the truth’ and ‘what is untruth’ for sure. Without realizing what untruth truth is, it is difficult to know what truth is.

When the sky, clouds, and the world in which you exist are made of single clay then there is no second thing that exists, other than that clay. That clay is the Soul, which is formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

The reality is hidden by the unreality. The world in which we exist hides the truth. Whatever belongs to you is unreal. The words and thoughts belong to you, not to the Soul, which is the ‘Self’.

Whatever has a name and form and attributes and whatever belongs to form, time and space is an illusion. The illusion hides the Spirit, which is God. The illusion and Spirit are one in essence. Spirit, the God alone is real and eternal.

The Soul is the Self. The Soul is present in the form of consciousness. The Soul is the witness-consciousness that experiences the action, the actor, and the world of separate things. It is like a light that illuminates everything in a theater, revealing the master of ceremonies, the guests, and the dancers with complete impartiality. Even when they all depart, the light shines to reveal their absence.

One knows everything within the waking experience is consciousness because the waking experience itself is merely an illusion created out of consciousness.

The physical apparatus is absent in deep sleep, so one cannot know anything by intuition because there is no duality in deep sleep. This proves that the duality is present only in waking or dreaming. And also, it proves that if there be such a faculty as intuition it must be limited to the physical Self within the physical existence.

You are the body with a name. It is foolish to say I am not the body when the ‘Self is not you because the ‘Self’ is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

The Soul, the Self has nothing to do with you and your experience of birth, life, death, and the world because the Soul, the ‘Self is birthless and deathless. The Soul is birthless and deathless because it is an ever-formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

The Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness pervades everywhere and in everything in all three states.

The Soul, the Self is not within the body but the world in which you exist rises from the Soul, the Self. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Sage Sankara: It is possible also to show the unreality of the object world even from pure reasoning.

Sage Sankara founded his Advaita Vedanta either on reason independent of Sruti or on Sruti confirmed by reason."

Sage Sankara's commentary on the Manduka Upanishad, II, 1: This (the unreality of duality) is borne out by the Srutis ... But it is possible also to show the unreality of the object world even from pure reasoning, and this second chapter is undertaken for that purpose.

Sage Sankara himself had often said that his philosophy was based on Sruti, or revealed scripture. This may be because Sage Sankara addressed the ordinary man, who finds security in the idea of causality and thus in the idea of God—and Revelation is indispensable to prove the latter. He believed that those of superior intelligence, have no need for this idea of divine causality, and can, therefore, dispense with Sruti and arrive at the truth of Non-Dualism by pure reason.

Sage Sankara, in debates with Buddhists and others who did not recognize the authority of the Vedas, had been obliged to prove the truth of Advaita through reason alone. Manduka Upanishad, a scripture that appealed to reason to the exclusion of Revelation.

Sage Goudpada wrote his Manduka Karika to establish the truth of Non-duality by sheer reasoning alone. He begins by defining "What is real?" "What is unreal?", etc, because that is the right way to discuss or teach. People must first know what they are talking about.

Some Gurus describe perfection as the awakening to Reality—the realization that pure Consciousness alone is, that the perpetually fluctuating and evanescent contents of the mind derive from it.

This awakening effectively happens in an instant. But for the lightning flash to take place, resulting in a firm and unshakable certitude, long labor is necessary, which they seem to underestimate. “Truth is formless” is their answer.

Their teaching seems essentially negative, potent but bitter medicine for those imprisoned by institutional cults. They break the seekers’ bonds but then lead him to a vast desert where he abandons him. The ultimate state of consciousness they describe is that of the traditional sage or fully enlightened being, but they do not show us the process leading to the realization of this state. These Gurus describe marvelously the goal but do not indicate the steps to be taken: their recurring phrases "unified consciousness" and "let go" are not a road map.

These gurus' approach was more practical, and they stuck with the reality of the world, they take 'I' as real. Thus, these Gurus knew only a half-truth because that is a fallacy of the ego (form) they never realized the fallacy of time and space.

That is why Sage Sankara says in the commentary in Vedanta-sutra that what is accepted without a proper inquiry will not lead a person to the final goal. On the contrary, such acceptance will result only in evil, something which is detrimental to our spiritual progress.

Seekers of truth should not believe blindly in traditional orthodox nonduality without verifying all the facts from every angle. One has to reflect through reasoning over and over again without getting tired of the process. :~Santthosh Kumaar

There is no need to study Advaita Vedanta or Buddhism to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.+

There is no need to study Advaita Vedanta or Buddhism to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Ashtavakra:~There is no wisdom whatsoever in the scriptures-just a collection of words.

The seeker should not bother about finding the meaning of what is written in the scriptures.

Those who have mastered scriptural knowledge and think scriptural knowledge as the final will not be able to realize the truth beyond form, time, and space.

Sage Sankara: ~ 'Like a servant who carries a lamp in front of you to find your way, and you have found it, so becomes the Veda to that person. What is the Veda? ~ utterances of those who have known the Truth. Here is one who has known the Truth; why should he or she depend upon the Veda further? Actual realization takes you beyond books. At a certain stage, books become a botheration. The Upanishad itself says that the 'words are only so much of distraction for such minds'.

Sage Sankara:~ VC-63-"Without knowing and examining the external world, one can’t know the Truth, as the idea that the external world exists, won't go. It can go only by an inquiry into the nature of the external world.

There is no need to study Advaita Vedanta or Buddhism to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. All accumulated knowledge is of no use to realize the Advaitic truth beyond the form, time, and space.

There is no need to study Advaita Vedanta to realize the Advaitic truth beyond form, time, and space. Advaita is not a theory or a philosophy.

Advaita is the nature of the Soul, the Self. There is no need for any theory or philosophy or scriptures to acquire Self-knowledge. Only a perfect understanding of ‘what is what’ is needed.

There is no need to buy books of Sage Sankara to acquire Self-knowledge. Perfect understanding of what is needed. Nothing else is a need other than realizing the fact that, the form, time, and space are one in essence and that essence is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness in order to get the Advaitic Self-awareness.

Self-knowledge cannot be attained by the study of the scriptures and intellectual understanding or by bookish knowledge. Therefore, there is no use in studying the scriptures and other scriptures to acquire non-dual wisdom.

That is why Bhagavan Buddha rejected the scriptures, and even Sage Sankara indicated that the ultimate truth lies beyond religion, the concept of God, and the scriptures.

That is why Sage Sankara said:~ Talk as much philosophy as you like, worship as many gods as you please, observe ceremonies, and sing devotional hymns, but liberation will never come, even after a hundred aeons, without realizing the Oneness.

There is only one Reality to be known, the same for all seekers, but the ways to it, are hidden by the religion.

Self-discovery is the only way, towards the non-dualistic absolute without any religious doctrines, which will help the seekers to unfold the mystery of the illusion in which we all are searching for the truth of our true existence.

Sage Sankara said:~ Neither by the practice of yoga nor philosophy, nor by good works, nor by learning, does liberation come, but only through the realization that Atman and Brahman are one in no other way. (1) VivekaChudamani v 56, pg 25

The citations from scriptures are not proofs. The ultimate truth has to be proved without the scriptures. The ultimate truth is the universal truth and it does not belong to any religion. Religion causes diversity in unity, whereas, the ultimate truth brings unity in diversity.

That is why Sage Sankara himself says: ~ VC 59- The study of the scriptures is useless so long as the highest Truth is unknown, and it is equally useless when the highest Truth has already been known.

60. The Scriptures, consisting of many words are a dense forest that merely causes the mind to ramble. Hence, men of wisdom should earnestly set about knowing the true nature of the Self.

61. For one who has been bitten by the serpent of Ignorance, the only remedy is the knowledge of Brahman. Of what avail are the Vedas and (other) Scriptures, Mantras (sacred formulae), and medicines to such a one?

It is not that one should pore over the ancient scriptures. There is no need to study first, and then realize. One has to realize first, then only he will know ‘what is truth’ and ‘what is untruth’. One has to make his discoveries through the process of rational thinking.

That is why Sage Sankara says:~ V C:~65. As a treasure hidden underground requires (for its extraction) competent instruction, excavation, the removal of stones and other such things lying above it, and (finally) grasping, but never comes out by being (merely) called out by name, so the transparent Truth of the Self, which is hidden by Maya and its effects, is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, followed by reflection, meditation and so forth, but not through perverted arguments.

It is not that one should pore over the ancient scriptures. There is no need to study first, and then realize. One has to realize first, then only he will know ‘what is truth’ and ‘what is untruth’. One has to make his discoveries through the process of rational thinking.

He who has not rectified his reasoning base from the ‘I’(form) base to ‘I-LESS- Soul base and one who does not have the intense urge to know the non-dualistic or Advaitic truth, and who is not tranquil and subdued and whose mind is not receptive, cannot acquire Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Recent science has killed the atomic theory and matter has vanished with it.+

Mundaka Upanishad 1.3:~ Complete knowledge includes knowledge of the phenomenal world, the spirit behind it, and the source of both of them. When the cause of all causes becomes known, then everything knowable becomes known, and nothing remains unknown is Gnana.”

Anybody can write a commentary on the Upanishads and other great philosophic texts, all they need to do to pour out words. It is quite easy to do this even by those who have never understood the Upanishads but think they have. Thus, the dualists and their disciples have written commentaries on scriptures mixing the existence of individualized Gods and Goddesses: But all these have been written to satisfy themselves, not to get the truth.

Even great thinkers show differences of opinion, let alone lesser folks what are we to do? We must cease wasting time on the useless argument based on authorities and we must first find out the meaning of truth and go to facts and then only judge the various authorities.

Dualists believed in a plurality of minds or selves and also in Prakriti matter. The Dualist thought ultimately existed in the form of particles similar to our atomic theory. But recent science has killed the atomic theory and matter has vanished with it. Hence modern dualists fear science and try to avoid it.

The dualist thinkers ’ arguments are based on false Self (ego or the waking entity) and false experience (mind or waking or dream or universe) to show the weakness of the position of the dualistic viewpoint. They are at their wits end to explain.

Existence cannot be a cause and effect at the same time, from the point of view of the dualists, but deeper Self-search shows that existence is no two and causality can’t rise at all. Dualistic theory says that whatever was in the cause was also in the effect. They say that the gold brick, the gold medal, the gold ornaments --are in the seed--the gold. Deeper Self-search reveals the fact that, if cause and effect are one what is the difference between the two?

In the realm of truth, there is neither unwisdom nor ignorance; neither bondage nor liberation. There is but one pure consciousness.

The logic holds good for the practical purpose in the practical life (waking). Soul-centric reasoning leads to nondualistic Self-awareness.

Consciousness is existence absolute, awareness absolute. The Existence of absolute means that consciousness is not unreal or nonexistent. And it is not unconsciousness. Nothing positive can be stated about consciousness.

The Soul, the Self is the One without a second. There is not the least shadow of multiplicity in the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

What is it that becomes the waking experience (duality)? ‘What is it that becomes the dream (duality)?’ and ‘What is it that becomes the deep sleep (nonduality)?’

The seeker of truth has to direct realization of the Soul, the Self, through wisdom and avoid losing precious time and effort losing him in philosophical studies.

Both modern science and religion offer hypotheses and theories, but there is one vital difference--science begins with facts which it collects; religion begins with fancies. Science evolves its hypotheses from such facts, religion from fancies.

Science declares that oxygen combines with hydrogen to give water. And it also declares oxygen is protons or electrons. But in pursuit of truth, the whole physical existence (universe or mind) is considered an illusion, and science and its inventions, which are based on physical existence are limited to physical existence.

The invisible truth is hidden, but it is beyond the physical existence. The science demands physical proof. But the physical proof is part of the illusion. Hence, science cannot go beyond physicality because the truth cannot be traced in laboratory conditions. Deeper self-search is required if one wants to push its quest deeply enough.

Common people and primitive minds fall into faulty thinking through their inherited conditioning, such faulty thinking and reasoning make them accept the experience of birth, life, and death as reality; taking what one sees through the senses as real, taking what is apparent as obvious and superficial as true because it is less troublesome.

Many people adopt the attitude that what they know is the truth. And what others say is false. This attitude makes them not verify anything other than what they know. One needs to be rational, not merely logical. Logic has its value only in the physical plane(duality).

As one advances towards the spiritual plane, he sees the logic underlying experience and becomes more rational. His reasoning is two-fold--implicit and explicit.

There is a need for facts of physical proof in scientific invention, whereas, in pursuit of truth, the proof has to be grasped mentally and realized. Therefore, the truth is realized only by a few who take this mental pursuit. “Whatever facts revealed, which is uncontradictable has to be accepted as truth.

The truth based on the formless Soul, the innermost Self is worthwhile; without it, one has something else, not truth. Most people refuse to venture into the pursuit of truth; because they do not want to go into the root of things.

The seeker of truth has to study, inquire, and reason at the beginning of the pursuit of truth because it is very much necessary in the pursuit of truth.

One has to know the Self is not physical but the Self is the formless Spirit or Soul. The spirit or Soul or the Self is present in the form of consciousness. Consciousness gives one the awareness of the three states.

Ignorance of the true Self is the cause of experiencing the duality as reality. The ignorance vanishes through the realization of the true Self, which is the Soul or spirit or consciousness. The true Self does not lie in our body or in our brain, or our ego, but it is the essence of the dual and non-dual experiences, which come and go as waking dreams and deep sleep.

Goudpada Karika-s of the second, third, and fourth chapters are the authority that a mumukshu ought to resort to. Since the reality of duality is born of ignorance even to a just-born animal, and therefore the cause and characteristic of samsara, bondage, and misery, the Upanishads and the Sages who have followed the Vedic tradition teach the unreality of the duality and redeem the suffering humanity from the misery caused by the duality.

For the sincere spiritual seeker duality (dvaita) and suffering are synonyms. So also Nonduality (Advaita) and bliss (sukha) are synonyms. The Veda, especially the Upanishad portions, are full of teachings directed at establishing the unreality and miserable nature of duality and upholding the non-dual nature of the Atman, the sole reality.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 4.3.22 alludes to this experience:~ (In this state a father is no father, a mother no mother, no Gods, no Vedas. In this state, a thief is no thief, the killer of a noble Brahmana no killer, a monk no monk, a hermit no hermit. This form of his is untouched by good work and untouched by evil work, for he is then beyond all the woes of his intellect.)

Mundaka Upanishad:` The study of the Vedas, linguistics, Rituals, astronomy and all the arts Can be called lower knowledge. The higher Is that which leads to Self-realization. The eye cannot see it; the mind cannot grasp it. The deathless Self has neither caste nor race, Neither the eyes nor ears nor hands nor feet. Sages say this Self is infinite in the great And in the small, everlasting and changeless, The source of life. :~Santthosh Kumaar

Perfect understanding of 'what is what' frees the Soul, the Self, from the entanglement of dualistic illusion or Maya.+

Perfect understanding of 'what is what' frees the Soul, the Self, from the entanglement of dualistic illusion or Maya. What is the ...