Tuesday 2 August 2022

Meditation is not the cause of Advaitic wisdom. Meditation will not help to get rid of ignorance.+

Meditation will not help to get rid of ignorance. Without Advaitic wisdom, ignorance will not vanish. Thus, Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana alone leads to Self-awareness.

By sticking to some Guru and surrendering to him, the Advaitic wisdom will not dawn. Surrendering is a religious fable. Surrendering is nothing to do with the ultimate Truth or Brahman.

Surrender implies duality. There is no duality in reality. When wisdom dawns, one realizes the whole universe in which we exist is created out of single stuff. That single stuff is the Soul which is present in the form of consciousness. The knowledge of the single stuff is Self-knowledge or Brahma GSimplytma Gnana.

By simply saying surrender without realizing the ultimate truth, is like trying to sweeten the seawater by putting a spoon of sugar. 

For the wise who realize everything as consciousness, what is there to meditate or not to meditate, what to speak or not to speak, what to do or not to do?

Only the Soul or the consciousness is Real and all else is an illusion. Only your constant remembrance will allow you, one day, to realize what truth really is, and, in so doing realize the ‘Self',

The exercise in discrimination between real and unreal and renunciation of the false is real meditation. 

He who meditates on the ‘I’ does not comprehend it, for it is then incomplete because the Self is not the ‘I’ but the Soul, which is present in the form of the consciousness. 

When it is associated with the ‘I’, the Soul, the Self is not revealed in its totality. The Soul, the Self alone, in its totality, is to be meditated upon, for in it all things become unified . . . .

This Soul, the Self is dearer than a son, dearer than wealth, dearer than everything else, because it is the inner Reality.

One should meditate upon the Soul, the Self alone as dear. He who meditates upon the Soul, the Self alone as dear ~ what he holds dear will not perish.

The sun shines during the day. The moonbeams at night. The sun and the moon and stars and planet or the whole cosmos exist only with the dualistic illusion.

The Soul, the Self was indeed Brahman or God from the beginning. The Soul, the ‘Self’ was in its own awareness. The Soul, the ‘Self’ is the fullness of consciousness.

Whosoever comprehends this truth also becomes Brahman. Whosoever realized the Soul, the Self as Brahman or God," becomes one with Brahman or God.

If a man worships God as though God is one thing and he (the man) is another, then this man is far from the truth.

If the seeker after the truth who has realized the Soul itself is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God through and through, then the ignorance diminishes and fades away.

Meditation is not the cause of Advaitic wisdom. When one comes out of meditation he again confronts duality. When the ‘‘Self’’ is formless then who is doing meditation how can one know what is pure and impure consciousness, when the illusion, which is full of diversity is made of single stuff? The duality is a reality within the dualistic illusion.

Neither the body nor the world exists as a reality in reality, because both are created out of single stuff. That single stuff is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. We are discussing within the illusion,  about the consciousness, without being aware of the fact that, our thoughts and words, and experiences are also an illusion created out of the consciousness. Therefore, diversity has no value when one becomes aware of the fact that, the ‘‘Self’’ is not you, but the ‘Self’ is the consciousness. The beyond is hidden within the world in which we exist as consciousness.

Until man thinks that he is an individual separate from the world and he is born in this world,the  and world existed prior to him until this conviction is there the Advaitic truth is impossible to grasp and realize.

Modern science discovers the truth of the fragments. Sage Sankara has discovered the truth of the whole. Advaita is the truth of the whole universe. The universe is created out of single stuff and that single stuff the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. the single stuff is real and the universe is merely an illusion created out of single stuff.

Science and its invention are based on the dualistic perspective (ego) whereas the ultimate truth, is based on the non-dualistic perspective (Soul). Thus, it is impossible to discover the truth which is hidden by the universe from a dualistic standpoint.

Modern science has to discover the truth of this mind first, and then only it is possible to investigate further. It is impossible to investigate the mind because the scientists and their scientific inventions are going on within the mind. The mind cannot be investigated in laboratory conditions.

Many scientists still think that the mind is within the brain so they will not be able to go deeper because they consider the physical ‘‘Self’’ as the real ‘‘Self’’ and physical existence as a reality, whereas from the ultimate standpoint the physical existence itself’’ is an illusion. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar 

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