Monday 22 August 2022

The S E X is not the cause of Self-realization.+

Sex is nothing to do with Advaitic Gnana. Many Gurus propagate that by indulging in sexuality they get enlightenment. Such an idea is merely an imagination.

Sex implies duality. Without duality, no sex act is possible. Whatever is the outcome of the ‘Sex’ is not Gnana or Advaitic wisdom.

When the ‘Self’ is not the waking entity (form or you) how the waking entity can claim that it got enlightenment through sex?

The waking entity (ego or you) is the false ‘Self’ within the false experience (waking) whereas the real ‘Self’ is the Soul, which witnesses the waking entity and the waking world together.

The Soul, the ‘Self’ is sexless because it is the formless, timeless, and spaceless existence. Thus, it is no use indulging in sex in order to get Advaitic Gnana or wisdom. 


The S E X is not the cause of  Self-realization. Sex is a natural instinct. Indulging in sex or abstaining from sex is nothing to do with the Soul the ‘Self’ which is ever sexless because it is ever genderless, formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

Sex cannot give you the answer to the truth you are seeking. Sex is the most interesting thing in practical life within the practical world. But the practical life within the practical world is merely an illusion. Thus, whatever sexual acts within the illusion give only illusory fruits.

Having sex or not having sex is nothing to do with the Soul, the ‘Self’. Sex is possible only in the domain of form, time, and space. From the standpoint of the Soul, the ‘Self’, the form, time, and space are merely an illusion. The Soul is sexless because it is ever formless timeless and spaceless existence.

Many Self -declared Guru and Yogis are always talking about obtaining sex, but they themselves are involved in raping their own disciples. Religious Gurus always suppress their sexual desire. Sex is a natural instinct, the hidden desire is always there even if one suppresses it.

Some modern Gurus say sex is the life force sex is the way to Samadhi or nirvana or moksha. Such sex-oriented moksha is merely imaginary because it is based on the false self. The Sex-based Moksha is merely a hallucination. :~Santthosh Kumaar

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