Friday 23 September 2022

Really no time is required if the seeker is sharp enough to grasp the Advaitic truth.+

Really no time is required if the seeker is sharp enough to grasp the Advaitic truth. All the accumulated knowledge and religious condition block the realization. All the seeker needs are an intense urge to realize the truth. If the seeker is serious and sincere, he has it.

After all, it is a matter of attitude. When wisdom dawns, one realizes the whole universe in which we exist is created out of single stuff. That single stuff is the Soul that is present in the form of consciousness. The knowledge of the single stuff is Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Nothing stops you from being a Gnani, right in this very life, not in the next life or next world. Fear of losing your physical identity people are afraid to inquire.

No mantras will help to get self-realization. Mantras are a religious fable. Ignorance will not vanish by repeating mantras. By repeating mantras, ignorance becomes deep-rooted.

When the’ Self’ is not you what is the use of you repeating the mantras, which keep the Soul, in the prison of the dualistic illusion? Thus, it is necessary to realize the ‘Self' is not you but the ‘Self’ is the formless Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. Only when you realize the Self is not you then only the ignorance vanishes.

Only the religious and yogic paths prescribe mantras. Religious and yogic paths are egocentric paths whereas the path of wisdom is the Soulcentric path.

That is why Sage Sankara: ~ VC~.61- For one who has been bitten by the serpent of Ignorance, the only remedy is the knowledge of Brahman. Of what avail are the Vedas and (other) Scriptures, Mantras (sacred formulae), and medicines to such a one?

VC- v6- Let erudite scholars quote all the scripture, let Gods be invoked through sacrifices, let elaborate rituals be performed, let personal Gods be propitiated---yet, without the realization of one‘s identity With the Self, there shall be no liberation for the individual, not even in the lifetimes of a hundred Brahmas put together.

Sage Sankara goes on to say: ~A sickness of not cured by saying the word “medicine.” You must take the medicine. Liberation does not come by merely saying the word “Brahman.” Brahman must be experienced. Until you allow this apparent universe to dissolve from your consciousness until you have realized Brahman, how can you find liberation just by saying the word Brahman? The result is merely noise. Until a man has destroyed his enemies and taken possession of the splendor and wealth of the kingdom, he cannot become a king by simply saying “I am a king.”

A buried treasure is not uncovered by merely uttering the words: “Come forth.” You must follow the right directions, dig, remove the stones and earth from above it, and then make it your own. In the same way, the pure truth of the Atman, which is buried under Maya and the effects of Maya, can be reached by meditation, and contemplation, but never by subtle arguments.  


Reading my posts often propels the reader into a thinking process. By reading, and repeating the words on this subject the inner whirling in the subconscious takes place which replaces the old thoughts by accepting the new thoughts.
Perfect understanding removes all sorts of obstacles in the pursuit of truth. Only through constant repetition of words in my posts will make one think differently, but it also creates more doubts and confusion in his subconscious and his inner urge to know the truth even more intense. And it also helps to overcome some of our conditioning, which we have inherited from parental grooming and circumstances.
Repetition of the words assists the seeker to help to focus his attention from form (body) to formless (soul or consciousness), which is very much necessary in pursuit of truth. And repetition is an effective tool and has an effect on the subconscious mind, which is not receptive to receiving new truth because it is conditioned to receive only logical conclusions based on ego(waking entity or you).
Repetition and constant persistence is the way to sow the seed of non-dual truth
Constant repetition and persistence is the way to sow the seed of the non-dual truth, in the subconscious.
One of the reasons I have been expressing about its repetition of the same thing, again and again, is to grasp the non-dualistic or Advaaitc truth. It takes a few months for seekers to assimilate what is been said through the messages, the seeker not only reads the messages by constantly reflecting on the true self in these messages is with constant mental exercises he will be able to grasp and assimilate the self-knowledge or Bramha Gnana or Atma Gnana
The seekers who have an intense urge, are truth-oriented, ready to verify everything, and ready to accept the truth after verification will reach the non-dual destination without much hurdles.

Religionists, theorists, and some intellectuals can never grasp what is being said here; because they have preconceived ideas of their accepted truth therefore they refuse to verify the facts.
Always anything communicated through these messages comes from the inner core of the existence'(Soul), not from judgment based on the ego.
The seeker may find it a bit irritating at first repetitive messages, it will be stirred enough to divert their attention to the Ataman and the point of view I am emphasizing on. Only through frequent
In repetition, the seeker will be able to grasp and focus his attention from form (body) to formless (soul) and able to grasp and assimilate Self-knowledge.
The Seeker has to read repeatedly, write repeatedly, and reflect on the subject repeatedly, which helps the seeker to get a firm conviction of un-contradicted truth.: ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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Psychologists think that the deep sleep state is unconsciousness and they have absolutely no idea that unconsciousness is the non-dual nature of the Soul, the Self.+

Psychologists think that the deep sleep state is unconsciousness and they have absolutely no idea that unconsciousness is the non-dual natur...