Sunday 6 November 2022

Until the falsity of religion and its idea of God is not exposed world peace and universal brotherhood are impossible.+

At no point in time in history, the world was at peace. History speaks the wars, violence, and terrorism in the name of religion and God.

Universal brotherhood is an impossibility with diverse religious beliefs and the idea of God, lifestyles, and cultures.
Everyone thinks his religion is superior to another religion, so there is no universality in any religion.
Until religion and the ideas of religious Gods are taken as a reality, wars, violence, and terrorism will continue.
Until people become more and more rational and try to realize God in truth, religion will dominate.
Until one realizes the falsity of the religion and religious Gods, is exposed the world will remain in turmoil of unrest.
It is time to realize God in truth. God in truth is universal. God does not belong to any religion, caste, creed, cult, and race, or nationality. God in truth is universal because God is Advaita.

It is not possible to bring order in the restless world without realizing the truth of our true existence hidden by ignorance. To realize the truth it is necessary to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.
Religion is regarded as sacred and real by the common people, by the wise as false, and by the political class as useful.

Democracy and religion will not go hand in hand. Democracy has its own code of conduct and religion has its own. So there is always conflict. Religion is outdated to suit modern society.


It is necessary to Humanize, equalize, and Spiritualize the world with Knowledge of truth to bring world peace and universal brotherhood.

Until and unless the whole of humanity is made aware of God in truth, not the religious God based on blind faith people believe and worship, the wars, violence, and terrorism which are going on in the name of God and religion continue.
Until the falsity of religion and its idea of God is not exposed world peace and universal brotherhood are impossible.

God is nothing but an existence that is free from ignorance. When the truth of God is revealed through wisdom then that truth will set humanity free from ignorance.
The existing world, world leaders, and governments lacked these qualities because they strongly believed in the religious myth and indulge in wars and violence, and terrorism in the name of their inherited religion and Religious God.
To "Spiritualize" world society is very difficult. The world religions laid too much stress on rituals, prayers, and on the performance of family and social duties, rather than on 'Spirituality'.
Only by upholding the Spiritual aspect, denounced many social structures and customs based on religion.
Man-made laws in the name of God and used religion as a tool, which divided the human society, which suffers from the effect of wars, violence, and terrorism.
Democracy and religion will not go hand in hand. Democracy has its own code of conduct and religion has its own. So there is always conflict.
Religion is regarded as sacred and real by the common people, by the wise as false, and by the political class as useful.
Religion is outdated to suit modern society. Until and unless the whole of humanity is made aware of what God is supposed to be in truth, humanity will suffer from wars, violence, and terrorism in the name of religion and its ideas of God.
God in truth is not religious. God is universal and belongs to the whole of humanity. All Gods based on blind beliefs are imaginary.
Spirituality is the only answer to replace the outdated religion which is the cause of wars, violence, and terrorism in the name of protecting God and religion.
Advaita is pure Spirituality that will help to bring unity in humanity.:~Santthosh Kumaar

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