Thursday, 19 January 2023

Sage Sankara’s Advaitic wisdom is a great radical change in the history of human consciousness.+

Sage Sankara is one of the most important Sage who has ever existed on the planet earth — incomparable, unique. And if you can have a taste of his Advaitic wisdom, you will be infinitely benefited, and blessed.  Seekers of truth love Sage Sankara because he represents the essential core of Spirituality or Adyathma.

Sage Sankara is like the highest peak of the Himalayas … one of the purest beings, one of the great sages.  Sage Sankara is the first scientist who unfolded the mystery of the universe and the mystery of God.  

Founders of religions have compromised with the truth.  Advaitic truth is uncontradictable truth. Sage Sankara does not care what people can understand, he cares only about what the truth is. Sage Sankara says it without being worried whether people understand it or not. In a way this looks hard; in another way, this is very simple. 

Sage Sankara the founder of Advaitic wisdom.  Sage Sankara has propounded Spirituality or Adyathma.  Sage Sankara’s  Advaitic wisdom is a great radical change in the history of human consciousness. 

Sage Sankara there were religions but never a pure Spirituality or Adyathma. The man was not yet mature. With Sage Sankara, humanity enters into a mature age. All human beings have not yet entered into that, that’s true, but   Sage Sankara has heralded the path; Sage Sankara has opened the gateless gate. It takes time for human beings to understand Advaitic wisdom. Sage Sankara’s wisdom is the deepest ever. Nobody has done the work that Sage Sankara has done, the way he has done it. Nobody else represents the pure fragrance of Advaita. 

Before Sage Sankara there were religions but never Spirituality or Adyathma. People are not yet spiritually mature.

With Sage Sankara humanity enters into a mature age. All human beings have not yet entered into that, that’s true, but Sage Sankara has heralded the path; Sage Sankara has opened the doorless door to nonduality or Advaitic.

It takes time for human beings to understand the Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara. Sage Sankara’s Advaitic wisdom is the deepest ever. Nobody has done the work that Sage Sankara has done, the way he has done. Nobody else represents pure fragrance of his Advaitic wisdom.

Sage Sankara is the profounder of Advaitic wisdom. Sage Sankara has propounded not only religion but Spirituality or Adyathma. And this is a great radical change in the history of human consciousness.

It is impossible to speak on truth without bringing Sage Sankara in. It is impossible speak on Ataman or Brahman without bringing Sage Sankara in.   It is really impossible   to speak on Advaita without bringing Sage Sankara in.

Sage Sankara says: Yoga and religion will not help the seeker to find the truth he is seeking because yoga and religion are based on myth.  Other founders of religions and yoga have compromised with the truth.

Sage Sankara says:  Religion and yoga are not the tools to acquire Self-knowledge. Sage Sankara‘s Advaitic wisdom has a higher perfection, then a new kind of perfection, with a fragrance of the truth.  

Sage Sankara’s Advaitic wisdom is Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

In the Vedas and the Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita speaks of the truth with a weak voice and they do not have the majesty found in the Sage Sankara’s Advaitic wisdom ~ it is simply unparalleled.
Sage Sankara’s wisdom is nothing to do with Advaitic orthodoxy.
Advaitic wisdom has been lost: people misinterpret and falsify it, Advaitic wisdom is not yoga but it is the truth, which is hidden by ignorance, but nobody knows it.
The teachers of philosophy and religious Gurus and yogis do not want to inquire into the hidden truth and have no time for it.
Neither by the practice of yoga nor philosophy, nor by good works nor by learning, has freedom from experiencing the dualistic illusion come, but only through the Advaitic wisdom.
The most important thing is that neither society nor politics nor any other institution of human life has had any influence on Sage Sankara’s Advaitic wisdom.
Let erudite scholars quote all the Scripture, let Gods be invoked through sacrifices, let elaborate rituals be performed, let personal Gods be propitiated~ yet, without the Advaitic wisdom there shall be no freedom for the Soul, which is caught up in the dualistic illusion.
The ultimate Truth which has no basis is usually religion or a mere catalog of ignorant opinions; people prefer it because it can be got more easily. All religious doctrines are based on the ego. Whatever is based on the ego is worthless because the truth is based on the Soul, the Self.
Sage Sankara’s Advaitic wisdom is such a pure expression ~ transcending form, time, and space ~ there is nothing comparable.
Religion has been very influential. The first reason is that religion is a synthesis. Religion is more concerned with synthesis than with truth. The desire for synthesis is so strong that if necessary religion doesn't mind sacrificing the truth to propagate the belief.
Religion is a hodgepodge containing everything; hence it suits everyone because there is something in it for everyone.
The truth does not belong to any religion. Religious truth is individual truth based on the false self.
The ignorant populace takes solace in their inherited religion. For religious people, Sage Sankara’s Advaitic wisdom will prove very difficult.
The seeker has to know God in truth. The truth is ignored by religion.
The difference between the religious concept of God, which is based on blind belief, and the truth about God, is based on the core of existence.: ~Santthosh Kumaar

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