Monday 14 October 2024

Vedas unequivocally proclaim equal rights for all people regardless of caste, gender or geography.+

It is ridiculous when women are successful in every field. The traditionalists barring women under some pretext or the other from learning Vedas is orthodox hypocrisy.

Accordingly, during the Vedic age, women were given the utmost position. Vedas say Gods reside where women are held in high esteem.

Vedas unequivocally proclaim equal rights for all people regardless of caste, gender, or geography. While the West could give voting rights to women only in the early 20th century, Vedas talk of women being the path-makers and decision-makers in society since the dawn of civilization.

Accordingly, during the Vedic age, women were given the utmost position. We see the names of Ghosha, Apaala, Lopamudra, and Ruchi-Indraani being cited as Rishikas similar to the names of Rishis like Vasistha, Vishwamitra, Vamadeva, etc. They had realized the truth contained in many Veda mantras.

Even they had full powers to administer various Vedic rituals called karmakand. It is clear from the Vedic authority Stree hee brahma babhuvita that women were partaking in the Yagnas. They conducted the yagnas seated as Brahma. They also had access to learn warfare and had the freedom to partake therein. They bequeathed the qualities of courage and heroism to their children also. A heroic mother proudly announces in Veda thus Mama Putro Shatruhane mamaduhita Virat meaning that my son is a vanquisher of enemies and my daughter is honorable.

The tradition continued in the Upanishadic era also. There were many spiritually endowed women called Brahmavaadins like Gargi, Maitreyee, etc. They were master debaters and even reputed Rishis were hesitant to engage them in debates. Gargi’s intellectual combat with Rishi Yagnavalkya is quite well-known.

However, it must be said that the position of women detracted during the middle ages. Her prestige suffered during the Puranic age. In Sanskrit literature, she was treated as an object of enjoyment.
Orthodoxy described characterized women as a way to hell and untrustworthy. The dualist sages called women as anuchari and not as sahachari. The men who led the Bhakti movement also disregarded women.
Women Saints and Sages:
Women saints and sages of India have been given less importance, for several reasons obvious to anyone studying history...
In the medieval period, women were confined to homes and according to some moral codes, women were not allowed to study scriptures and chant mantras while mantras were invoked as female deities or Goddesses.
The Vedic rishis had wives who were learned women and took part in philosophical discussions. The crippling social practices for women, considering them as inferior, and unfit for scriptural studies were introduced by male-dominated societies...While women's monastics or nuns were introduced in Buddhism; it was not a common practice to have nuns in Hindu monastic orders till recent times.
Sage Sankara says in Mand.P.351 and also in Vivekachoodamani, that even women can realize the truth if they persist.
Thus, it proves that Sage Sankara wanted even women to acquire Advaitic wisdom, whereas the orthodox Advaitins Bars women from indulging in the path of wisdom even in these modern days. T. the orthodoxy is based on the experience of birth, life, death, and the world as a reality whereas the ultimate truth is based on the formless Soul, the innermost Self. Thus, Advaitic wisdom is for the whole universe irrespective of any gender, race, creed, or religion.
Sage Sankara has philosophical disputes and debates with an equally great scholar, Mandana Mishra. Mishra's learned wife Bharathi served as the umpire.
However, the credit for uplifting women and restoring their rights should go to liberals like Maharishi Dayananda (1824 -1883) the founder of the movement called Arya Samaj to work incessantly for their all-around welfare. He called women as the most honorable. And criticizing those who prevented women from learning Vedas
Maharshi Dayananda (Arya samaj) quoted: ~ Yajurveda mantra ~Yathemam Vacham kalyani mavadhani janebhyah: Brahmararjaanaabhyam shudrayacharyaa cha swaya chaaranaya|| ladies and even persons lower than shudras. Here shudras mean ignorant people. Condemning certain verses whose authority was doubtful like Stree-shudro Na deeyataam, he countered them with the Vedic mantra Bramhacharyena kanya yuvaanaam vindate patim which enabled women to go for marriage after observing Brahmacharya and after studying the true shastras like Vedas, etc.
He also quoted amply from other sources which sanction women the authority to learn Vedas. Recalling those days he said women like Gargi were total scholars. Citing another incident he pointed out how a queen like Kaikeyee could assist her husband in a war unless she had training in martial arts. His assertions in favor of women learning Vedas had the desired effect and the opposition to women from learning Vedas has waned but was not totally eliminated. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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There is a need to bifurcate Advaitic wisdom from Advaitic ortodoxy to grasp the Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara.+

Sage Sankara’s Advaitic wisdom has nothing to do with any religion because Sage Sankara’s Advaitic wisdom is pure Spirituality. Sage Sanka...