Sunday, 29 December 2024

Upanishads: ~ They alone in this world are endowed with the highest wisdom who are firm in their conviction of the sameness and birthlessness of the Soul, the Self.+

Upanishads: ~ They alone in this world are endowed with the highest wisdom who are firm in their conviction of the sameness and birthlessness of the Soul, the Self. The ordinary man does not understand their way. (Chapter IV — Alatasanti Prakarana 95-P-188 in Upanishads by Nikilanada)
Most thinkers’ point of view of nonduality is based on the dualistic perspective. Ultimate truth or Brahman can be realized only when one is able to view and judge from the standpoint of the Soul, the Self.
The thinker, the thought, and the world are part of the illusory waking experience. The individual experiences are happening within the waking experience. The waking experience it Self is an illusion created out of the Soul, the Self.
The waking entity (ego) is the false self within the false experience (waking). Thus, individual experiences like birth, life, death, and the world are part of the illusion because the waking experience itself is an illusion.
If someone kills someone within the waking experience, it is as good as killing is taking place in the dream. The killer and killing and the world are one in essence.
Until ignorance is there the waking experience prevails as reality. Only when wisdom dawns then the waking experience become unreal.
The man who has the firm conviction that he is born in this world and the world existed prior to him, and he is born in this world afterward will not be able to assimilate Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana because he is unaware that he is part and parcel of the waking experience, which is illusory reality. Thus, his understanding is limited to form, time, and space.
The seeker has to become aware of the fact that, he is the waking entity (you) and he is not the Self but the Self is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.
The formless Soul witnesses the coming and going of the three states without the physical apparatus. from the non-dualistic perspective, the witness (Soul)and witnessed(universe) are one in essence. That essence is consciousness.
There is only one Consciousness. One becomes many and many become one. Thus there is no second thing that exists other than consciousness. Thus, consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.
The witness of the three states is not the waking entity, but the formless Soul, which is in the form of consciousness. From the standpoint of the Soul, the Self, the three states are unreal.
Whatever is happening within the waking experience is reality, within the waking experience. But the waking experience itself is an illusion.
The illusion appears as a waking, and dream and disappears as deep sleep.
The Soul, the Self, witnesses the coming and going of the three states. The Soul, the Self, which witnesses the states, is unaffected and apart.
To realize this truth takes a lot of mental effort. A perfect understanding leads the seeker to Self-awareness. The one who is able to grasp this truth is a Gnani.
Nonduality refers to consciousness because everything (three states) is created out of formless consciousness.
From the standpoint of the Soul, the Self, there is nothing that exists other than the Soul, the Self. Thus, everything, which is formless consciousness, is perfectly perfect.
People who view and judge the worldview from the dualistic perspective, therefore, will not be able to understand and assimilate Nondualistic or Advaitic truth.
They are stuck with the reality of the world, which they take as real. They are scared to lose their enjoyment of the worldly life and their attachment to family life. There is no such fear of losing anything but they realize only the unreal nature of the waking experience.
Even though they are of the world they are not of the world. Those who are scared to accept the world as an illusion are not fit for Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. To accept the truth one needs courage.
That is why there are so many gurus and teachers who cook their own spirituality as truth and propagate ornamental words to please the people. But such truth is a half-truth or no truth.
The seeker has to go alone. Just remember to drop all their accumulated knowledge. There is no need for any teacher or teaching.
People go on teaching this is the truth and that is the truth none of them know what truth really is. They say right now and right here, realize the truth.
Some gurus describe perfection as the awakening to Reality. This awakening effectively happens in an instant. But to get Self-awareness resulting in a firm and unshakable certitude, long labor is necessary that they seem to underestimate.
Many gurus break the seeker’s bonds but then lead them to a vast desert where they abandon them. The ultimate state reality they describe is that of the fully enlightened being, but they do not show them the process leading to the realization of the ultimate truth or Brahman. They describe marvelously the goal but do not indicate any roadmap.
Most of the Gurus' approach is more practical, and they are stuck with the reality of the world, they take it as real. Therefore they are unable to beyond form, time, and space so they promise instant bliss within the illusory world. Such claims of instant enlightenment are false enlightenment.
People claim to meet Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, and Devi in their vision but such claims are reality within the duality. But the duality in any form is not a reality.
Some thinkers started with One substance and some with the Absolute; but where is the proof of the existence of this One or the Absolute. Hence they started with assumptions; whereas Advaita starts with no assumption whatever but proves every step taken, it does not even start with assumptions that Brahman exists; the discovery of the existence of Brahman comes only at the end of Soulcentric inquiry and reasoning and not at the beginning
Accepting intuition or imagination as truth is disastrous because they are not verified truth. A person may claim “he has seen and spoken to God of his belief and he has realized the Absolute" but he must prove it. Similarly, those who speak of the creator of the creation (Universe) are hallucinating, for whoever could possibly have seen God creating the universe? They are merely using their imagination because they were themselves created later.
This is the great difference between the path of wisdom and other paths no matter how similar their tenets may seem because the path of wisdom is a path of verification. There is no scope for accepting anything blindly.
Most people’s tendency is to be lazy; whereas the seeker of truth wants proof because he realizes his own ideas may be false. Most people want their previous notions to be confirmed and unaffected.:~Santthosh Kumaar

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