To a Gnani the universe is illusory, because, his views and judgment of the worldview are based on the Soul, the Self.
The universe appears
as the waking or dream (duality) and disappears as deep sleep (nonduality. The
Soul, the Self is free of the duality in the state of deep sleep but still unconscious
of its own nature.
The Soul is in the cage of ignorance in the state of waking or dream because it is still unaware of its true nature.
The universe, which appears as the waking experience is like a dream. A Gnani is always established in the Reality of Self.
Religious people, the case is different because they have accepted their inherited Gods based on blind belief as real.
The Gnani
has realized Consciousness as the God in truth. But the ideal of the religious person
is the Personal God based on blind faith or belief. :~Santthosh Kumaar
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