Without reading the full subject matter coming to a judgment on your own point of view is not wisdom. Holding your accumulated knowledge and passing opinions without knowing the subject matter discussed fully will not yield wisdom.
Mixing religious views in the Atmic path is a great hindrance in realizing the truth hidden by ignorance. The religious orthodox knowledge has nothing to do with the Atmic path.
The Atmic path is not for those who think whatever they have read and heard from others is the ultimate truth. Such a mindset is not fit to acquire Self-knowledge. Such a mindset is a prisoner of their intellectual wealth. Their ‘I know attitude blocks than from realizing the truth is hidden by the ‘I’.
There is no need to agree or disagree with what is said in my postings or blogs. By agreeing or disagreeing the wisdom will not dawn. Those who agree will move further and reach the ultimate end of their understanding and those who disagree will remain stagnant with their own intellectual wealth.
The Atmic path is not for those who think they know is the ultimate truth because they have studied and mastered Vedanta and other scriptures. The Atmic path is for those who are seriously seeking the truth.
Atmic Path is not a question-and-answer session. The Atmic path is not the path to exchange views and opinions.
I have bifurcated what is not needed to realize the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space.
Some people expect me to comment on their individual views opinions and experiences.
I do not want to mix others' views opinions and experiences, which is of no use in the Atmic path. I share only what is revealed to me from the inner core.
Self-knowledge will not arise from the exchange of views opinions and arguments.
The accumulated knowledge is not a yardstick, to realize the truth beyond the form, time, and space.
In the path of wisdom discussion of the unimportant subject matter creates a hindrance.
The path of truth is the path of verification. Nothing has to be accepted as truth without verification. Agreeing to disagree causes unnecessary friction.
Sharing is giving info for the sake of goodness. As with all things, achieving a balance of peaceful communication is established with respect, humility, understanding, and patience. Balancing an achievement is harder.
The seeker has to stop passing unimportant opinions on the Atmic path. The Atmic path is not the path of discussion, but the path of realization of the truth. :~Santthosh Kumaar
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