Monday 21 November 2022

Religion, sect, cult, and yoga is nothing to do with the Advaitic wisdom.+

SM:-Q:~ “ Let me get this straight. You are suggesting that only those who choose the Advaitic path and belief will have eternal life? Isn't that pretty much what every other cult states? So what happens to all those other Souls? Since we are all "one" regardless, how can non-advaitins not have immortality? “

Santthosh Kumaar: ~ Firstly, the religion, sect, cult, and yoga is nothing to do with the Advaitic wisdom.

As per the scriptures, the three "Ashrams" or stages in life were originally intended for three grades of intelligence thus:~

 Religion:- low intellects had to do 'karmas' works, ritual actions, chanting of mantras and indulging in Bajans and prayers, etc.

 Middle intellects:- Yoga: taking yellow robes, going to caves, ashrams, etc.

 High intellects:- wisdom who wanted the truth is concerned with no external rites or sanyasa but depends solely on intelligent inquiry for their path.

You are not the ‘Self’ because you are mortal. You are mortal because you are bound by the experience of birth, life, death, and the world. The ‘Self’ is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness and is immortal because it is ever formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

The one that is in ignorance is the Soul; the one that has to wake up from the sleep of ignorance is the Soul, the Self.

The world in which you exist is the product of ignorance.

When ignorance vanishes the world in which you exist is merely an illusion created out of consciousness.

Without the illusion, the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness alone will prevail as the ultimate reality or Brahman or God in truth. Thus, the Soul is the ultimate truth or Brahman.

Self-realization is necessary to realize ‘what is truth and ‘what is untruth.


The Soul, the 'Self' is neither Advaitin of non-Advaitin because it is the ever formless timeless, and spaceless existence.

If you had said the same thing in the dream ~ The dream becomes unreal when waking takes place.

Similarly, the waking becomes unreal when the Soul, the 'Self', wakes up in its own awareness in the midst of the dualistic illusion (waking).

The waking experience itself is an illusion of how mortals become immortal without realizing the whole world in which they exist is created out of immortal stuff, that immortal stuff is consciousness.

The Soul, which is the 'Self’’, is real and eternal, and immortal.

When the 'Self’ is not ‘you’ because you are mortal and you are bound by birth, life, death, and the world. Your existence is limited to the domain of form, time, and space.

The mortal existence is within the dualistic illusion or Maya.

Thus, birth, life, and death take place within the dualistic illusion or Maya.

Thus, your views and wisdom are based on the dualistic perspective.

From the non-dualistic perspective, there is only the immortal Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.:~Santthosh Kumaar 

Sunday 20 November 2022

You are not the witness. The Soul, the ‘Self’ is the witness.+

You are not the witness. The Soul, the ‘Self’ is the witness.

You are within the dualistic illusion.

You are born, live, and die within the world, which is the dualistic illusion.

The dualistic illusion is created out of single stuff. That single stuff is the Soul, the ‘Self’, which is present in the form of consciousness.

Knowledge of the Soul is Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Realizing the world in which you exist is nothing but the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness is Self-realization because the Soul is the ‘Self’.

The Soul, the Self, witnesses the dualistic illusion (the world in which we exist) which comes and goes as the ‘I’.

Thus, your existence is a reality within the dualistic illusion.

Till you hold the ‘Self ‘as the ‘I’ you will never be able to get Self-realization.

‘I’ hides the Soul, which is the Self. 


The waking becomes deep sleep and deep sleep become dream but the Soul, the ‘Self’ remains unaffected witnessing the illusory passing show.
You are not the witness because you are not the Self.
The Soul is the witness of the ‘I’, which appears and disappears.
Do not make the mistake of saying ‘I AM THIS or I AM THAT without knowing what this ‘I’ is in actuality.
However many books you read. However many gurus you follow, However, many Gods you worship what good will they do you if you do not realize the fact that the ‘Self is not you but the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.
You have to drop all your accumulated knowledge accumulated from different sources as inadequate and useless. 
You will realize the truth hidden by ignorance only after you drop your accumulated knowledge, which is blocking your realization of the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space.
The Advaitic truth has to be proved not assumed. The gurus of the east and west have not proved the Sage Sankara’s Advaitic truth because their knowledge of Advaita is based on the dualistic perspective. Seekers of truth have to realize how this practical life within the practical world is unreal. And on ‘what standpoint it is unreal.
It is foolish to cling to the unreality because reality is hidden by the unreality. The people have stuck by the reality of the world and they stop there.
Only when we independently search for the truth without religion, yoga, and its doctrine then we will be able to realize the truth beyond form, time, and space.
Unless you exercise your reason (Buddhi) -there is no chance of getting the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth: ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Sage Sankara:~Neither sacred baths nor any amount of charity nor even Hundreds of pranayamas* can give us Self-knowledge.+


It has not been possible to preach Advaitic Truth entirely free from the settings of dualistic weakness it has not been more operative and useful to mankind at large because only few will be able to grasp and realize it.

'To realize the Advaitic Truth a freer and fuller scope the seeker has to realize the form, time and space are one in essence. And that essence is the consciousness. And the Soul the innermost Self is present in the form of consciousness.

To realize the Advaitic truth the seeker has to be free from all superstitions and orthodox contamination. The seeker has to be dedicated to acquiring Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana alone.’

Sage  Sankara: ~ VC- Let erudite scholars quote all the scripture, let Gods be invoked through sacrifices, let elaborate rituals be performed, let personal Gods be propitiated---yet, without the realization of one‘s identity With the Self, there shall be no liberation for the individual, not even in the lifetimes of a hundred Brahmas put together (6)

It is clear that liberation cannot be the result of good works, for Sruti itself declares that there is no hope for immortality by means of wealth. (7)

Actions help to purify the mind, but they do not, by themselves, contribute to the attainment of Reality. The attainment of Reality is brought about only by Self-Inquiry and not in the least by even ten million acts. (11)

The fear and sorrow created by the delusory serpent in the rope can be ended only after fully ascertaining the truth of the rope through steady and balanced thinking. (12)

Neither sacred baths nor any amount of charity nor even Hundreds of pranayamas* can give us Self-knowledge. The firm experience of the nature of the Self is seen to proceed from inquiry along the lines of the salutary advice of the wise. (13)

Ultimate success in spiritual endeavors depends chiefly upon the qualifications of the seeker. Auxiliary conveniences such as time And place all have a place indeed, but they are essentially secondary. (14)

He alone is considered qualified to inquire after the supreme Reality, which has discrimination, detachment, qualities of Calmness, etc., and a burning desire for liberation. The four-fold qualifications (17)

Great sages have spoken of four qualifications for attainment which, when present, succeeds in the realization of Brahman and In the absence of which the goal is not attained. (18)

While enumerating the qualifications), first we count the ability to discriminate between the Real and the unreal; next comes a spirit of detachment from the enjoyment of the fruits of actions here and hereafter; after that is the groups of six virtues beginning with Calmness, and the last is undoubtedly an intense desire for liberation. (19)

A firm conviction that Brahman alone is Real and the phenomenal World is unreal is known as discrimination between the Real and The unreal. (20)

They have crossed the dreadful ocean of (embodied) existence through their own efforts and without any (personal) motives; they help others to cross it. (37)

Swami Vivekananda: ~ “The Higher your ideal is, the more miserable you are,' for such a thing as an ideal cannot be attained in the world — or in this life, even. He who wants perfection in the world is a madman — for it cannot be. How can you find the infinite in the finite?

Consciousness is the root element of the universe. Consciousness is present in the form of the Soul, the  Self. From the Soul, the universe comes into existence. In the Soul, the universe resides. In addition, into the Soul the universe dissolves. The Soul is the parent of all that is there.

Rest in consciousness, by realizing the universe in which you exist is nothing but consciousness.


Manduka Upanishads: ~ It is very difficult to find out who is a Gnani because he bears no external mark. Neither nudity nor the religious robe has anything to do with him.

A Gnani sees the sameness in all; this means he sees them all without exception as ideas.

Peace will be disturbed only if one recognizes a second. Hence mystic's peace is temporary; the only enduring peace belongs to the Gnani for it is non-dual.

A Gnani who knows reality interprets everything according to its light. It is not enough to by writing books in order to bring people to the realization of nonduality or Advaita, perfect understanding, assimilation and realization are also necessary.

A Gnani has the world, acts and lives normally in it, but does not regard it as a separate thing.

A Gnani is always aware of the Soul the Self, and though he sees a thousand things, will not forget it.

A Gnani will not show off nor boast; he is a commoner, and he never acts as an extraordinary one. Gnani does not want to think of the ego, therefore he does not do or say anything to make himself appear superior to others, or to pretend to know more than others.

The ordinary person thinks "this is a world "; "that is Me” etc. whereas the Gnani thinks "this is Brahman (consciousness); everything is Brahman." etc.

A Gnani practices action or inaction as he wishes, but he will be concerned with the welfare of humanity in either case.

A Gnani does not try to eliminate thoughts, but he accepts or knows them as Soul which is present in the form of consciousness. He knows that the mind (universe) and Soul (Self) are one in essence. And that essence is consciousness.

The Gnani uses sense objects because he sees they are as consciousness. He is fully aware of the fact that practical life within the practical world is merely an idea created out of consciousness. He is fully aware of the fact that it would be foolish to observe celibacy within the illusory world in which he exists. 


The one who realizes Brahman becomes a Gnani.

A Gnani would be there to show the way to Liberation.

A Gnani does not identify himself as a Guru or swami or yogi or sadhu.

A Gnani imparts Knowledge to others. A Yogi lies in Samadhi like a wooden log so he does not know yogic Samadhi is not wisdom.

Gnani is fully aware of all things, either permanent or perishable and he has realized both permanent and perishable to be consciousness.

Thus, consciousness alone is real and eternal all else is merely an illusion.

The one who he realizes Brahman becomes a Gnani.

A Gnani would be there to show the way to freedom from experiencing the dualistic illusion as a reality.: ~Santthosh Kumaar

Advaita is the very nature of consciousness.+


The orthodox people are more enslaved than others because they live in self-imposed prisons. A householder may have a little freedom, but the Gurus, Yogis Saints are more stuck with their own idea of truth than others.

Orthodoxies are just blind followers of tradition. They cannot move freely, they cannot sit freely, and they cannot live freely.

Many people pretend they are ‘Self’-realized just by being orthodox one cannot get Gnana. Yogi practices Samadhi he will not get rid of ignorance. Everyone has their own idea of Gnana.

The most important thing is that neither society nor politics nor any religion have anything to do with the ultimate truth or Brahman. ‘Self’ –Knowledge helps the seeker transcend emotion, transcending form, time, and space. Perhaps this is why the Atmic path, has not had much impact.

The path of wisdom is the inner (mental) journey. Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana and wisdom are one and the same thing. 

Without an intense urge, it is difficult to tread this path. Self-realization is not an experience because the ‘Self’ is not you but the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. The Soul, the  ‘Self’ cannot be experienced because it is ever formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

The Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness, is prior to any experience. The experience is possible only in dualistic illusion. 

The world in which you exist is a dualistic illusion. The consciousness is the cause of the dualistic illusion and it itself is uncaused. Consciousness is the only real thing within the dualistic illusion. Thus, consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman.

Advaitic truth is not for synthesis – it is an uncontradictable truth and it is the ultimate truth. The Advaitic truth is just as it is, without any artifice or coloring.

The knower of Advaitic truth is not concerned about the listener, he does not care whether his listener will understand or not. The pure expression of truth comes from the source of his existence.

From the standpoint of the Soul, the  ‘Self’: ~

There is nothing to accept,

Nothing to reject,

Nothing to hold on to,

Nothing to let go of,

Nothing to grasp,

Nothing to spurn,

Nothing to embrace,

Nothing to relinquish,

Nothing to dissolve

Because the Soul is free from the illusory form, time, and space. Only within the dualistic illusion, is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness caught up in the illusory experience of form, time, and space.

This is the truth.


Advaitic Wisdom liberates the Soul, the innermost ‘‘Self’’ from the cage of the illusory form, time, and space. Form, time, and space are a reality within the dualistic illusion.

The religious Gurus don't appear to be liberated, they look enslaved. They talk about liberation, but they don't look free. They seem to be bound with a thousand fetters because they are stuck with the reality of the world in which they exist. They believe in the experience of birth, life, death, and the world as a reality. They are unsure how this world is an illusion.

Jesus has said: ~ “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."(John 8:32)

Jesus meant the truth of oneness which is the Advaitic truth, not the dualistic truth. The Advaitic truth is the truth of the whole, not the part.  

Advaitic Wisdom liberates the Soul, the  'Self’ from the cage of the illusory form, time, and space. Advaitic truth is the truth of the whole, not the part.

In reality, there is nothing exist other than consciousness. Only in ignorance, there is diversity. All three states are the product of ignorance. 

In the state of ignorance, one thinks of his body as the body, the ego as the ego the world in which he exists as the world.

In ignorance, one has the urge to search for the truth of his true existence. When the waking entity (you) indulges in deeper self-search and becomes aware of the fact that, the ‘Self’ is neither the waking entity nor the ‘Self’ is a dream entity, but the 'Self’  is a formless substance and witness of the three states. That formless substance and witness are one, in essence, and that essence is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

Consciousness alone is real and all three states are merely an illusion created out of consciousness. Therefore, there is no second thing exists other than consciousness.

Thus, the waking is created out of consciousness.

The dream is created out of  consciousness,

In deep sleep,  consciousness is free of waking or dream.

The three states cease to exist without consciousness. When there is no ignorance, then there is neither waking nor dream nor deep sleep, the Advaita is the very nature of consciousness.

The waking experience is the state of ignorance because it is the product of ignorance. We are discussing the consciousness within the waking experience because we are unaware of the fact that the waking experience itself is an illusion. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Sage Sankara said:~Liberation will never come without realizing the Oneness.+

Sage Sankara said:~ Talk as much philosophy as you like, worship as many gods as you please, observe ceremonies, and sing devotional hymns, but liberation will never come, even after a hundred eons, without realizing the Oneness.

There are three kinds of aspirants: ~

1. The ordinary ones who desire the transitory heaven and other pleasures obtained as a result of ritual sacrifices follow a religion.

2. Middling intellect who desire peace and well-being follow a yogic path or mediation.

3. The most advanced seeker who seeks to know the ultimate truth must follow the Atmic path. The Atmic path with its emphasis on the Advaitic wisdom is meant for those who wish to go beyond form, time, and space.

Only through deeper self-search do beginners and intermediates gradually become aware ‘what is what’. 

Only after they have realized the fact that the ‘Self’ is not ‘I’ but the ‘Self’ is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness, they are ready for the inner journey towards reality, which is beyond form, time, and space.

Upanishad: ~ “They alone in this world are endowed with the highest wisdom who are firm in their conviction of the sameness and birthlessness of Atman. The ordinary man does not understand their way. (Chapter IV — Alatasanti Prakarana 95-P-188 in Upanishads by Nikilanada)

If you are seeking truth you have to know the ‘Self’ is not you but the ‘Self’ is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

Sage Sankara says the world is an illusion; it includes birth, life, and death, which happens within the world. Thus, the seeker's main aim is to mentally trace the formless substance of the illusion, which is also the witness of the illusion.

Sage Sankara, in Bhaja Govindam, says: ~ (Jnana Viheena Sarva Mathena Bajathi na Muktim janma Shatena) - One without knowledge does not obtain liberation even in a hundred births, no matter which religious faith he follows.

Thus, it proves that religion is not the means to Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. Because Self’-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is universal knowledge meant for humanity. Self’-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana does not belong to any religion.

The ‘Self’ is not ‘I’ but ‘I’ is the dualistic illusion. The dualistic illusion is present in the form of the world in which you exist. The world in which you exist appears as a waking experience (duality) and disappears as deep sleep (Nonduality).

Realizing the ‘Self is not you but the ‘Self is Soul' is real freedom from experiencing the dualistic illusion (the world in which we exist) as a reality.

Thoughtless awareness comes only when there is oneness in awareness in the midst of dualistic illusion. The dualistic illusion exists as a reality until ignorance is there. Ignorance will vanish only when the non-dualistic or Advaitic wisdom dawns.

The wisdom dawns only when one becomes aware of the fact that the world in which you exists is a dualistic illusion created out of the single stuff that is consciousness. Thus, realizing that consciousness alone is real and all three states are merely an illusion created out of consciousness leads to nondual self-awareness. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

The cause of all three states is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. Consciousness itself is uncaused.+

The cause of all three states is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. Consciousness itself is uncaused.

Consciousness is the self ~luminous and all ~pervading. Consciousness dwells always in the three states as its formless clay and witness.

The Soul is revealed in a negative way, discriminative wisdom, and the Knowledge of unity based upon reflection.

The one, who realizes the Soul is the true Self, becomes one with the immortal Self.

When there is no ignorance, there is no day or night, neither being nor nonbeing; pure consciousness alone exists. That immutable Reality is the meaning of "the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness (Spirit). From it has preceded the non-dualistic or Advaitic wisdom.

No one can grasp the Soul, which is in the form of consciousness as a separate entity apart from the world because it is the formless clay and the witness of the three states, thus, it cannot be grasped as above, across, or in the middle.

Its form is not an object of vision; no one beholds it with the eyes. They who, through Soulcentric intellect and the Knowledge of unity based upon reflection, realize the Soul as the true Self becomes one with the immortal.

Ignorance is the cause of experiencing all sorrow and calamities as a reality.

Thus, eradicating ignorance is necessary. And this is possible only through Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Thus, there is no other road to freedom other than Advaitic Gnana.

There is no other entrance other than Gnana.

Ignorance will vanish only when the Advaitic wisdom dawns. 


Humanity has to awaken to the reality of true existence by realizing the world in which humanity exists is merely an illusion created out of consciousness through Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana frees the Soul, the Self from the cage of the dualistic illusion.

Sage Sankara says:~ VC-162- There is no liberation for a person of mere book knowledge, howsoever well-read in the philosophy of Vedanta, so long as one does not give up the false identification with the body, sense organs, etc., which are unreal.

People dwelling in ignorance, but thinking of themselves as wise and erudite, go round and round by various blind beliefs and tortuous paths and practices, like the blind led by the blind.

Swami Vivekananda said:~
"The Vedas teach that the Soul is divine, only held in the bondage of matter; perfection will be reached when this bond will burst, and the word they use for it is, therefore, Mukti - freedom, freedom from the bonds of imperfection, freedom from death and misery."

The truth is very simple, but it is very difficult to grasp because of ignorance. You have to only realize the world in which you exist is created out of single clay. And that single clay is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

Thus, you and your body and the world in which you exist are nothing but consciousness because they are merely an illusion created out of consciousness. A perfect understanding of ‘what is what’ is needed.

A Gnani can point at the sky, but the seeing of the star is the seeker's own work.

It is necessary to reflect on the same truth again and again till it becomes a reality. One needs to constantly reflect on the subject until he gets a firm conviction of what is what.

Words of wisdom are needed until one gets a firm conviction of ‘what is what’.

People need to read and hear the words of wisdom to think reason and reflect deeply and reach the ultimate end.

It takes time for the seeker to gain the perfect understanding of ‘what is truth’ and ‘’what is untruth’. It takes time for the Soul, the innermost Self to wake up from the sleep of ignorance, and it takes time for one realizes the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Until the mystery of the universe is not solved, the God in truth hidden by the illusory universe will not be realized.+

Freedom happens when the unreal nature of the universe is exposed and the reality hidden by the universe is revealed.

The universe itself is what God is all about. The totality of the universe is what God is all about. You just study the nature of the universe with all the seriousness and sincerity to unfold the mystery of the universe. That is all you have to do.

Until the mystery of the universe is not solved, the God in truth hidden by the illusory universe will not be realized.

Look into the nature of the universe. And you will be able to see that universe by its very nature is illusory. The moment you understand that the universe is illusory, ignorance disappears and Self-awareness arises.

Only when you open the book of the universe the God in truth hidden in the book will be revealed. When you finish reading the book of the universe then the universe will become an illusion and God in truth alone prevails as the ultimate reality.

The path of wisdom is divided into three parts:~

First:- Hearing the truth--that consciousness is the only reality and that the universe along with you is merely an illusion or Maya.

Second:- Reasoning upon these words of wisdom of Sage Sankara from all points of view.

Third:- Giving up all further argumentation and realizing the truth. This realization comes from being certain that consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.

Consciousness is the one single reality or Brahman. The individual self is a reality within the illusory universe or Maya.
Sage Sankara says: ~ “What is accepted without a proper inquiry will not lead a person to the final goal. On the contrary, such acceptance will result only in evil, something which is detrimental to our spiritual progress.
You are also part of the divine book of the universe! And whatever you have seen, known, believed, and experienced as an individual is part of it.
Remember: ~
The ‘I’ is the universe. Without the ‘I’ the universe ceases to exist. The Soul, the ‘Self’, and the universe are one in essence because the universe is nothing but an illusion created out of the Soul, the Self, which is present in the form of consciousness.
This universe is only the veil of ignorance on the Soul, the Self, which is present in the form of consciousness. The Self is not you but the Soul, which is hidden by the universe. The Soul is hidden by the universe because the universe is merely a dualistic illusion or Maya created out of the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

Sage Sankara: ~ “VC~ All this universe which through ignorance appears as of diverse forms, is nothing else but Brahman (Consciousness) which is absolutely free from all the limitations of Maya.
When you finally realize the ‘‘Self’ ‘is not you but the ‘‘Self’’ is the Soul then you will realize the world in which you exist is merely an illusion created out of the Soul. The Soul is present in the form of consciousness.
Sage Sankara says: ~VC-47 All the effects of ignorance, root, and branch, are burnt down by the fire of knowledge, which arises from discrimination between these two—the Self and the non-Self.
Sage Sankara says clearly, the universe is not real. He says that Brahman and Atman are one. The ultimate and Absolute Truth is the Self, which is one though appearing as many in different individuals. The individual has no reality. Only the Soul, the Self is Real; the rest, mental and physical are but passing appearances

The universe is unreal and the Soul, the Self, which is present in the form of consciousness is real. Therefore, only Atman is real because there is no second thing that exists other than Atman, which is in the form of consciousness.
Remember: ~ All is consciousness. The whole universe is consciousness. From consciousness, the universe comes. When the universe disappears, consciousness still remains without form, time, and space.
Until you think you are an individual separate from the world and the world existed prior to you and you are born in it afterward ignorance will prevail as a reality. Till ignorance is there the universe prevails as a reality. Until the universe prevails as a reality religion thrives. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

There is no need to study philosophies of Berkeley, Kant, Hume, and other western and eastern philosophers.+

Science may give the scientific answers, religion the religious answers, and the yogi will give yogic answers but in pursuit of truth the se...