Wednesday, 11 May 2022

By sticking to some Guru and surrendering to him, the Advaitic wisdom will not dawn. Surrendering is a religious fable.+

By sticking to some Guru and surrendering to him, the Advaitic wisdom will not dawn. Surrendering is a religious fable.

Surrendering is nothing to do with the ultimate truth or Brahman. Surrender implies duality. There is no duality in reality.
Simply saying surrender without realizing the ultimate truth is like trying to sweeten the seawater by putting a spoon of sugar.
Guru’s sermons consisted of ornamental words merely to please the taste of the religious mindset. Hence, the seeker of truth should earnestly set about realizing the truth beyond form, time, and space.
People are unaware that the world in which he exists is a product of ignorance. Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is the only remedy to eliminate ignorance.
There is no use of religion, the religious Gods, Gurus, Yogis, and the Scriptures, rituals to acquire Self- knowledge, or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.
Ignorance does not leave off if one simply utters the name of Guru.
Without direct realization, the Soul cannot be liberated by the mere repeating of the name of the Guru or personal God.
The seeker has to remember the name belongs to the domain of the illusory form, time, and space.:~Santthosh Kumaar

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