Saturday 11 June 2022

"Sunya" is something that exists: one cannot prove that consciousness does not exist.+

ZEN Buddhism Satori is not the highest wisdom because it comes as flashes, it does not depend on seeing the world, and does not depend upon mental sharpness so much as intuition. Zen Buddhists are only mystics--they do not offer proof. How is their main method different from that of Christian mystics, and Hindu mystics, all of whom do not seek to prove by reason, but by "I know," intuition?

ZEN may get a flash of peace but that is not the same as Vedantins who realize that the whole world is yourself. Zen is mysticism.

Zen is quite alright in mentioning non-duality: it is the nearest doctrine to true Advaita outside India, but nevertheless, it is still lower because:

It fails to prove non-duality

It illogically gives koan exercises as a means of attaining That which is beyond attainment, because always here

It talks of insight or intuition to see Reality when sight involves a second thing, duality.

When one says "Nothing is" what is the meaning of "is"? "Sunya" is something that exists: one cannot prove that consciousness does not exist.

Zen Buddhism gives a high important place to meditation practice, but then so does the Advaita. The truth is that Zen advocates the necessity of meditation for those of its adherents who cannot grasp the absolute truth.

ZEN BUDDHISM is also in this lower stage of Yoga because it depends on flashes of Intuition gained by meditation, not by reasoning. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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