Wednesday 3 August 2022

Advaitic pearls of Manduka Upanishad.+

Sage Goudpada: ~ To establish the truth of Non-duality by sheer reasoning alone. He begins by defining "What is real?" "What is unreal?" etc, because that is the right way to discuss or teach. People must first know what they are talking about. (Manduka Karika)

The essential message of Manduka Upanishad is that the whole world, whatever is seen is only imagined. points out that even though it is harder for them, still women can attain Brahman just as men. Page 351

In Manduka Upanishad Brahman and Atman are defined as same:~ सर्वं ह्येतद् ब्रह्मायमात्मा ब्रह्म सोयमात्मा चतुष्पात् / sarvam hyetad brahmaayamaatmaa brahm soyamaatmaa chatushpaat –

Manduka Upanishad, verse-2


Sarvam(सर्वम्)- Whole/All/Everything; hi(हि)- Really/Just/Surely/Indeed; etad(एतद्)- This here/This; brahm(ब्रह्म)- Brahm/Brahman; ayam(अयम्)- This/Here; aatmaa(आत्मा)- Atma/Atman; sah(सः)- He; ayam(अयम्)- This/Here; chatus(चतुस्)- Four/Quadruple; paat(पात्)- Step/Foot/Quarter

Fragmented Verse:~ सर्वम् हि एतद् ब्रह्म अयम् आत्मा ब्रह्म सः अयम् आत्मा चतुस पात् / sarvam hi etad brahm ayama aatmaa brahm sah ayam aatmaa chatus paat

Simple Meaning:~

All indeed is this Brahman; This Atman is Brahman; God, this Atman has four steps/quarters.

While Brahman lies behind the sum total of the objective universe, some human minds boggle at any attempt to explain it with only the tools provided by reason. Brahman is beyond the senses, beyond the mind, beyond intelligence, beyond imagination. 

Indeed, the highest idea is that Brahman is beyond both existence and non-existence, transcending and including time, causation, and space, and thus can never be known in the same material sense as one traditionally 'understands' a given concept or object.
"From their notion": Everybody has his own imagination about facts and starts from that, instead of discarding his personal idea and looking at the fact. Page 333. V. 83
Manduka Upanishad shows how one opinion may be used to contradict another, so that both may be thrown away. Opinions are not for philosophy; they are as Ashtavakra says, merely thoughts; it wants the truth.
Mundaka Upanishad 3:2:3:- “The weak and timid cannot realize the Self. Self-Realization is not possible through intellect or hearing spiritual discourse. One who welcomes God in every activity, through a thorough controlled and disciplined life, to him also the Soul is revealed
Manduka Upanishad:~ Those that want ultimate truth Brahman will not practice control of the mind. (p.231)
Mundaka Upanishad: ~ “The study of the Vedas, linguistics, Rituals, astronomy and all the arts Can be called lower knowledge. The higher Is that which leads to Self-realization. The eye cannot see it; the mind cannot grasp it. The deathless Self has neither caste nor race, Neither eyes not ears nor hands nor feet. Sages say this Self is infinite in the great And in the small, everlasting and changeless, The source of life.

Manduka shows how one opinion may be used to contradict another, so that both may be thrown away. Opinions are not for philosophy; they are as Ashtavakra says, merely thoughts; it wants the truth.
Manduka Upanishad:~Atman is the highest Reality and its opposite: Note the word "and". Reality and illusion together make Brahman: nothing can be left out. Page 51.

Manduka Upanishad:~ Brahman must be realized in the waking state when all objects are present to consciousness, otherwise, it is nonsense. Page 65: v.10.

Manduka Upanishad:~"Sleep does not exist In Turiya”: This emphatically disproves the mystic use of sleep as an analogy for Brahman. Page 69.

Manduka Upanishad:~This means that objects do not disappear, they are there, and yet they are non-dual. Disillusionment is not the same as appearance. Page 74. v. 17

The essential message of Manduka Upanishad is that the whole world, whatever is seen is only imagined. points out that even though it is harder for them, still women can attain Brahman just as men. Page 351

Manduka Upanishad:~" From their notion": Everybody has his own imagination about facts and starts from that, instead of discarding his personal idea and looking at the fact. Page 333. V. 83:

Manduka Upanishad:~"Soundless and of infinite sounds"; means both waking and sleep world must be known, and both objects and non-objects must be understood before the truth of Brahman is realized. Page 96. v. 29:

Manduka Upanishad shows how one opinion may be used to contradict another so that both may be thrown away. Opinions are not for philosophy; as Ashtavakra says, they are merely an illusion; it wants the truth.

Manduka Upanishad:~In deep sleep and anesthesia, you have non-duality but no Gnana. Therefore there must be discrimination along with non-duality. Otherwise sleeping dogs would be Gnanis. ~ (P.219)

Manduka Upanishad:~Existence means existence in the sense of the Drik. When you reduce everything to consciousness, Drik, Gnana, or even Mind, giving up all imaginations in truth it is unborn. You see a man's body comes and goes, but that is not the same as seeing him come and go, which you can never do. P.300. V.45.
Manduka Upanishad has no assumptions whatever. It is an honest and bold inquiry into truth. It rises above scripture.
Manduka Upanishad:~Reality and illusion together make Brahman: nothing can be left out.
Manduka Upanishad:~ Atman is the highest Reality.
Manduka Upanishad:~Only a few will be able to understand and assimilate it
Manduka Upanishad is not meant for all, as it is based entirely on reasoning.
Mundaka Upanishad:~ “Remaining in the fold of ignorance and thinking “we are extremely wise and learned,” the fools with boastful nature ramble about like the blind led by the blind alone.:~Santthosh Kumaar

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There is no need to study philosophies of Berkeley, Kant, Hume, and other western and eastern philosophers.+

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