Saturday 6 August 2022

Manduka Upanishad:~ Brahman must be realized in the waking state when all objects are present to consciousness, otherwise, it is nonsense.+

The Soul is the ‘Self’. The Soul is present in the form of consciousness. It is the Soul, which was in ignorance, experiences the duality as reality.

When it wakes up to its own true nature there is neither the ego, nor body, nor the world remains as reality. The Soul alone remains in its own formless nondual true nature, in Self - awareness.

The dream becomes unreal when the waking takes place. Similarly, the waking becomes unreal when wisdom dawns.

Limiting consciousness to waking or dream (duality) is erroneous. It was present even in deep sleep without the body and without the world (without waking or dream).

If consciousness was not there in deep sleep then one will not say he had a sound sleep in the waking experience. Therefore, a perfect understanding of ‘what is what’- leads to nondual Self-awareness in the midst of the dualistic illusion.

Manduka Upanishad:~"Both waking and sleep world must be known, both objects and non-objects must be understood before the truth of Brahman is realized. -Page 96. v. 29
Manduka Upanishad:~In deep sleep and anesthesia, you have non-duality but no Gnana. Therefore there must be discrimination along with non-duality. Otherwise sleeping dogs would be Gnanis. - (P.219)

Manduka Upanishad:~Existence means existence in the sense of the Atman. When you reduce everything to consciousness,, Gnana, or even give up all imaginations in truth it is unborn. -P.300. V.45.

Manduka Upanishad:~ Brahman must be realized in the waking state when all objects are present to consciousness, otherwise, it is nonsense.- Page 65: v.10.

Manduka Upanishad:~"Sleep does not exist in Turiya”: This emphatically disproves the mystic use of sleep as an analogy for Brahman. -Page 69.
Manduka Upanishad:~This means that objects do not disappear, they are there, and yet they are non-dual. Disillusionment is not the same as appearance. -Page 74. v. 17
If you say deep sleep state as Brahman then everybody will take a sleeping pill or hemp, no one will bother about Self-realization.
Deep sleep is still a state of ignorance because we become aware of the deep sleep experience in the waking experience. the waking experience is a state of ignorance.
Deep sleep is an analogy to realizing the three states changing. The one that witnesses the changes is the changeless Soul. Grasping the existence of the changeless witness of the three states leads to Self-awareness.
The nature of the Soul is like deep sleep. We must have the same repose of the deep sleep in the waking experience by realizing that all three states are created out of consciousness.
Sage Sankara: ~VC~ if the universe be true, let it then be perceived in the state of deep sleep also. As it is not at all perceived, it must be unreal and false like dreams. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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