Wednesday 3 August 2022

Tattireya Upanishad: ~Yogic or Nirvikalpa Samadhi is just like swoon or deep sleep, where one is unaware of anything, not even the world.+

Tattireya Upanishad: ~ “There are two different Samadhis, philosophic and Sahaja Samadhi, which is the highest in which is in full wakefulness, and then he inquires what is meant by this world, the world is seen in this Sahaja Samadhi. Whereas Yogic or Nirvikalpa Samadhi is just like swoon or deep sleep, where one is unaware of anything, not even the world. (Page 640,641 and verse 132,133)

Each person sees in his own Samadhi whatever is uppermost in his mind. How does he/she or anyone know that what he/she or anyone sees is the truth? Similarly, each has intuitions agreeable to what is uppermost in his mind.
A yogi cannot attain realization because he thinks his body to be the body and the world to be the world and fails to see them as consciousness and thinks his experience of Samadhi is because of his individual effort. The individual experience is limited to waking experience and is merely an illusion.

Thus, even his Samadhi is also limited to the waking experience, which is merely an illusion. He thinks the thoughtlessness is Samadhi but thoughts are of individuality. Thoughts disappear even in deep sleep. Therefore deep sleep is not wisdom. If one thinks thoughtlessness is Samadhi and Samadhi is Brahman then anyone gets knowledge of Brahman by taking sleeping pills or hemp.
In Sutra Bashya and Mundaka Upanishad: ~ Samadhi and sleep are identical.
Brihad Upanishad does not advocate Samadhi.
Sage Sankara in the commentary to "Brahma Sutras: - " "The highest beatitude is not to be attained by Yoga." (Sacred Books of East Series page 298 Vol.1.) and also he says Samadhi is the same as sleep (p.312) -which indicates that yoga is not the means to Self-realization. And yogic Samadhi is not nondualistic or Advaitic Self-awareness.

Panchadasi: ~ the impossibility of yoga arriving at a successful end to its practices. P.509 v, 109

The yogi exists within the illusory world and indulges in Samadhi. Let carefully noted that the Yogic Samadhi is nothing but a long trance, and is not Self-awareness.

Although the ego becomes still for some time, people generally overestimate their feeling and sensation, and a Yogic Samadhi is invariably supposed to be Self-realization.

The Yogic Samadhi is a temporary state; as soon as the yogi comes out of it, he becomes aware of the duality and reminisces again in the grip of ignorance. Thus, the Yogic Samadhi will not eradicate ignorance.

The Yogic Samadhi is experienced by you. You are the false self within the false experience. Thus, the Yogic Samadhi can never take one beyond the experience of form, time, and space.

Yogi who is said to experience nonduality in his samadhi must still come back to a normal state and see the world confronts him, after his samadhi. And then he will find that the world separates from him because he has ignored it and not tried to understand it.

Only the Gnani can say of the external world, "This is Brahman, Soul." and prove his statement, and that it is none other than the Self.

Many yogis are largely pretenders or self-deluded. They think they are masters who can lead the whole of humanity. They set themselves up as different from others. Many yogis promise blessings etc. to those who surrender their wealth or person to them. Many here live questionable lives with women disciples. They seek influence over others, or wealth, by thus differentiating themselves. They market their yogic product in the spiritual supermarket. A Gnani never does this.

If a yogi says "I feel Bliss" who is having the experience? His 'I' is the ego. Hence, that is not the highest Gnana. If one carefully examines the experiences of mystics, then he finds that they do differ. It is superficial to say that yogis and mystics all have the same experience.

In the dream one knows that the dream figures are also the mind, not different from it; similarly, when one knows that everything is consciousness, there is no need for the yogic control of the mind. Control presupposes second, a duality. Hence, yoga is in the sphere of duality and is unnecessary to one who knows non-duality.

Self-Knowledge requires the mind to be active in order to examine the world and discriminate. Hence nondual wisdom means knowing that there are no ideas different from the innermost self, which is in the form of consciousness, as the dream mountain is not different from Mind, knowing which they automatically the mind reaches stillness. This is different from Yogic Samadhi, which is only deep sleep.

The Yogis and Mystics want meditation, sitting still, etc. only because it gives them pleasure: the satisfaction is for their own selves only, not others; hence it is something sought by the ego. and cannot get the ultimate truth or Brahman in consequence. 


The yogi may get the knowledge that the witness is separate from witnessed, but he will never know Brahman without inquiring into the world that confronts him, because he is giving up the world, and hence cannot discover his unity with the world.
The Gnani regards everything in the world as the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.
The Soul o consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman; the yogi rejects the world. Thus, there is a fundamental difference.
Yoga is alright so far as it goes, but you have to look at the universe in which he exists also. The yogis have to eat and have to attend to all these physical necessities of the body. Therefore, no yogi can remain without ideas in Samadhi 24/7. Once out of Samadhi he is like every other ignorant man.
As soon as the yogi comes down from Samadhi, he finds the universe to be real.
The yogis do not know what the universe is, and are unable to prove that, hence their glib statement is worthless, not proceeding from understanding, or realization of the nature of the universe, following inquiry into it, but proceeding from some feeling of disappointment. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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