Thursday 22 September 2022

Sage Sankara:~If the inquiry does not include the universe then it is incomplete.


Inquiry means reflective thought, on the path of wisdom. Even if your studies have brought no realization, do not give it up.
The seeker should keep on inquiring; everything that he does should remind you of the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.
The seeker must not predict that he will not be able to get Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.
A man who is trying to memorize a passage may succeed suddenly after failure because the subconscious is at work.
Seeds must take the time to mature into trees then they will yield fruit. Hence persevere despite disappointments.
The obstacles to realization are inherent in defective mental capacity, the attachment to worldly objects, and the strength of egoism.
All obstacles must be overcome to gain realization, not only one or two.
Self-inquiry is for discovering the fact that the ‘Self is not the ‘I’ but the Self is the Soul, which witnesses the coming and going, of the ‘I’.
The ‘Self-inquiry’ is finding out the ‘Self’ which is hidden within the world, in which we exist. By inquiring -‘Who am I?’, the ignorance will not vanish.
Without getting rid of ignorance, the Advaitic wisdom will not dawn. Without Advaitic wisdom, it is not possible to realize the truth, which is hidden within the world in which we exist.
That is why Sage Sankara says: ~ VC-63. Without causing the objective universe to vanish and without knowing the truth of the ‘Self’ how is one to achieve Liberation by the mere utterance of the word Brahman? — It would result merely in an effort of speech.

Sage Sankara: ~ VC-63- "Without knowing and examining the universe, one can’t know the Truth, as the idea that the external world exists, won't go. It can go only by an inquiry into the nature of the external world.

Sage Sankara:~If the inquiry does not include the universe then it is incomplete.

Sage Sankara says: ~ “What is accepted without a proper inquiry will not lead to the final Goal. (Commentary on Vedanta Sutra)

Nothing has to be accepted as truth without verification.
Sage Sankara is the only Sage who has final authority on the Advaitic truth (non-duality). The Advaitic truth is rational truth and scientific truth without dogma.
Sage Sankara’s wisdom is not a teaching or philosophy but Advaita is the universal wisdom. Advaitic wisdom is neither a teaching nor a theory but it is merely guidance to those who are seriously seeking the ultimate truth or Brahman. Grasp the ultimate truth anytime, at any age, if the seeker has the spiritual maturity and capacity to grasp it.
Sage Sankara says: ~ VC-47- All the effects of ignorance, root, and branch, are burnt down by the fire of knowledge, which arises from discrimination between these two—the Self and the not-Self.
It really depends on his inborn natural capacity to understand and assimilate it. Sage Sri, Sankara’s wisdom is a Self-examiner, to test oneself to discover how near to Gnana he has approached and what progress has already been made on the path, and what still remains to be done. It sets up a criterion for Self-judgement. There are millions in search of truth but one in million will be able to grasp it.
Without Sage Sankara, there is no Advaita (nonduality). Since it was mixed up with orthodoxy there is lots of confusion.
All the Gurus who propagate Advaita of east and west air their knowledge base Advaita on the dualistic perspective and orthodox perspective.
I am highlighting all the obstacles, which is blocking one from realizing the ultimate truth or Brahman. There are so many non-dualistic masters of the east and also from the west who expound Advaitic or non-dualistic knowledge but none of them are helpful to reach the ultimate end.
The seeker has to know and realize his Self is Soul and identify it as his true identity to find liberation from the bondage of the illusion of birth, life, death, and the world (duality). The goal of our life is to find and realize our identity with the Soul, the Self.
Sage Sankara said:~ Neither by the practice of yoga nor philosophy, nor by good works nor by learning, does liberation come, but only through the realization that Atman and Brahman are one in no other way. (1) Vivekachoodamani v 56, pg. 25
To come to a more precise understanding of what non-duality is or might mean, we must return to the original linguistic and philosophic backgrounds from which the word has been translated into English.
If we limit a probe of the meaning of non-duality to Hindu Sanskrit literature, we find that the most frequently used term is “Advaita.
Advaita” is not a religious concept. Advaita is the nature of existence hidden by form, time, and space.
The seeker has to attempt to rule out from the start a false understanding of reality by a perfect understanding of ‘what is what’.
The Advaita is hidden by the Dvaita. Advaita is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. Dvaita is the universe.
Advaita is basically a denial; it is literally the negation of the dvaita (duality). That means whatever remains by negating the universe by realizing the universe is created out of single clay and that clay is the Soul, which is present in the form of the consciousness
Consciousness is hidden truth by dvaita uncovered. Consciousness is the cause of the universe and it, itself is uncaused.
Thus, the path of wisdom is the only means. Then it is no use going a roundabout way, trace the Brahman which is the formless substance and the witness of the universe (mind).
By tracing the source of the mind or the universe one will be able to realize the Brahman or God in truth. : ~Santthosh Kumaar

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Psychologists think that the deep sleep state is unconsciousness and they have absolutely no idea that unconsciousness is the non-dual nature of the Soul, the Self.+

Psychologists think that the deep sleep state is unconsciousness and they have absolutely no idea that unconsciousness is the non-dual natur...