Sunday 4 September 2022

Santana Dharma ~ a religion of all religions and all mankind.+

Dharma is a very complex word. The concept of dharma is verily the core of our religion. In fact, the right name for our religion is 'Santana Dharma' which means 'Eternal Dharma'.

The word 'Hinduism' has become a common word in the modern world. The real fact is that words like Hinduism, Hindu, etc. never appear in any of the ancient scriptures! So to know our religion, the first step is to know what dharma means.

Loosely defined, dharma means ' that which we have to wear/follow/practice'. Dharma is not something to be preached. It is something to be followed. It can be defined as the sum total of all the values which we should follow in our lives.

The word, “dharma “is found in the karikas, which means Atma in Advaita Vedanta.

In Tattireya Upanishad:~ "satyaM vada. dharmaM cara ." Speak the truth, and practice dharma. Now if you want to practice dharma, you should first know what it means. (1.11.1)

The word, “dharma “is found in the karikas, which means Atma in Advaita Vedanta. 


Santana Dharma aims at making the whole world full of Aryas. It is not confined to the need for self-salvation alone. It has a missionary message too. It says, ’Kranvanto Viswam Aryam’ let the people of the world be made Arya i.e. gentle, righteous, and religious minded. The central point of Isa Upanishad is -- Renounce and enjoy. This has to be our aim in life.

Santana Dharma is a cosmopolitan religion. It wishes the happiness of the world. Man is essentially divine. There is divinity in every man. He has to realize it. Then alone the world can become a place to live in. Santana Dharma says that:~
Sarve Bhavanti Sukhinah/ Sarve santu Niramayah

Sarve Bhadrani Pashyanti, Ma Kashchid Dukh Bhag Bhaveta.
It means: - Let everyone without distinction be happy. Let everyone be without any ailment. Let everyone look like Arya, noble and righteous. Let there be no one to have any share of sorrow or grief.
This is the philosophy of Santana Dharma ~ a religion of all religions and all mankind.
Santana Dharma stresses upon action. It believes in the theory of Karma. The Upanishad says, ’you are what your driving desire is, as your desire is, so is your will, as your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.’

Thus, we create our own destinies through thought and action. So the message goes that there is no joy in the finite, there is joy only in the Infinite. Nothing can satisfy us, but a reunion with our real Self which in fact is the attainment of Sat-Chit-Ananda. Self-realization is in becoming immortal. It does not mean everlasting life, but it stands for a state that is beyond death and life alike.: ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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