Thursday 20 October 2022

The Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara is nothing to do with religion and yoga because it is pure Spirituality or Adyathma.+

All the Advaitic Gurus belong to the religion. Religion is not Spirituality. The Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara is nothing to do with religion and yoga because it is pure Spirituality or Adyathma

Spirituality or Adyathma is based on truth whereas religion is based on myth, blind belief, and dogmas.

There is a need to bifurcate religion from spirituality or Advaita.
Religion is not a stepping stone to Self-realization.
Religion is based on ignorance and it keeps the seeker permanently in ignorance by hiding the truth with its mythical beliefs and dogmas and superstition. According to the Vedas and Upanishads, all religious propagated beliefs are a myth.**
Whereas Spirituality or Adyathma is based on the Spirit, which is the cause of the world in which we exist.**
As one goes deeper into the annals of history one becomes aware of the fact that the so-called present Hinduism has adopted many things from Buddhism, the religion of Abraham, Jainism, and Islam. If one goes deeper enough he will become aware everything is mixed up and messed up in time.**
Sage Sankara endeavored toward establishing the Vedic religion and overthrowing Buddhism. But even he was not able to avoid the influence of Buddhism. The influence of the revolutionary atmosphere of Buddhism reappeared in the Advaita of Sage Sankara. His inability to revive the Vedic religion that flourished before the Buddhist revolution in its pure form is discernible.**
No one is taken pains to rectify it because; because people have inherited them, from their ancestors and they think it is blasphemy even to hear anything against their inherited religion and belief.**

Once one gets involved with the religious class it is the end of the pursuit of truth.:


That is why Sage Sankara:~Talk as much philosophy as you like, worship as many Gods as you please, observe ceremonies and sing devotional hymns, but liberation will never come, even after a hundred aeons, without realizing the Oneness.

To realize oneness the seeker has to tread the path of wisdom. The path of wisdom is Advaita the only Spiritual path based on the Spirit. All other spiritual paths are based on the matter.

Swami Vivekananda: ~ “The masses in India cry to sixty million Gods, and still die like dogs. Where are these Gods?

Bhagavad Gita Chapter:~ All those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, they worship many Gods. (7- Verse -20)

Kena Upanishad (6) Chapter I: ~ “That which cannot be apprehended by the mind, but by which, they say, the mind is apprehended-That alone know as Brahman, and not that which people here worship.

Kena Upanishad (7) Chapter I: ~ “That which cannot be perceived by the eye, but by which the eye is perceived-That alone is known as Brahman and not that which people here worship.

Kena Upanishad (8) Chapter I: ~ “That which cannot be heard by the ear, but by which the hearing is perceived-That alone is known as Brahman and not that which people here worship.

Kena Upanishad (9)- Chapter I:~ “That which cannot be smelt by the breath, but by which the breath smells an object-That alone know as Brahman, and not that which people here worship.

Max Müller says: ~ “The religion of the Veda knows no idols; the worship of idols in India is a secondary formation, a degradation of the more primitive worship of ideal Gods."

Hindus are idol worshipers of large numbers of Gods and Goddesses whereas Vedas declare God is ‘ONE’ and that God is Atman.

Yajurveda – chapter- 32:~ God is Supreme Spirit has no ‘Pratima’ (idol) or material shape. God cannot be seen directly by anyone. God pervades all beings and all directions. Thus, Idolatry does not find any support from the Vedas.

Rig Veda: ~ The Atman is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe. May ye never turn away from the Atman the innermost ‘‘Self’’. May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman?" (10:48, 5)

Rig Veda: ~ 'Prajnanam Brahma'- Consciousness is the ultimate reality or Brahman or God in truth.

God in truth is the Atman, the Self. Atman is present in the form of consciousness.

Do not accept any other God other than Atman not worship other than Atman.

Let these words be inscribed in your subconscious.

Nothing is real but God. Nothing Matters but love for God in truth. God in truth is everywhere and in everything.

God in truth is hidden by the illusory universe. God in truth alone is and all else is an illusion

Rig-Veda 1-164-46 and Y.V 32-1 clearly mention that God is “One”.

Rig Veda declares God is ‘ONE’ and that God is Atman, then why believe and worship anything else in place of the real God.

Thus, Atman, the 'Self’, is God. Self-realization is real worship. Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is necessary to get realization.

Chandogya Upanishad Chapter: ~ ekam evaditiyam- God is only one without a second. (6- Section- 2- Verse- 1)

Swethaswethara Upanishad:~ Na casya kasuj janita na cadhipah, which means of him of Almighty God, there are no parents they have got no lord. Almighty God has no true father, he has no true mother, he has no true superior. (Chapter-6- Verse -9)

Swethaswethara Upanishad:~ Na Tasya Pratima Asti of that God there is no Pratima, there is no likeness, there is no image, there is no picture, there is no photograph, there is no sculpture, there is no statue. (Chapter -4- Verse- 19)

Swethaswethara Upanishad:~ No one can see the Almighty God. (Chapter -4, Verse -20)

Bhagavad Gita Chapter: ~ all those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, they worship many Gods. (7- Verse -20)

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: ~ Brahman (God in truth) is the form of the Athma, and it is indeed Athma itself’.

Thus it refers to a formless and attributeless God, which is the Atman (Soul), the innermost ‘Self’ within the false experience. Thus it indicates clearly all the Gods with form and attributes are mere imaginations based on the false ‘Self’. Thus Atman or Soul, the ‘Self’ is God.

Santana Dharma or Vedic religion is based on God in truth whereas Hinduism is based on personal Gods with form and attributes.

The Vedas do not talk about idol worship. In fact, till about 2000 years ago followers of Vedism never worshiped idols. Idol worship was started by the followers of Buddhism and Jains. There is logic to idol worship. Vedas speak of one God that is the supreme ‘Self’ i.e. Atman or Soul but Hinduism indulges in worshiping 60 million Gods.

It indicates clearly all the Gods with form and attributes are mere imaginations based on the false self.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: "He who worships the deities as entities entirely separate from the Self does not know the truth. For the Gods he is like a pasu (beast)". (1. 4. 10)

People study Vedanta and they under the delusion and conclude that they declare:~ "I-AM-Brahman", but they fail to realize the fact that Brahman is everywhere and in everything! The existence of Brahman is not limited to his physical identity, because it is the very essence of form, time, and space.

Following Vedanta does not mean that one has become Brahman. One gains thereby a mere intellectual understanding of the truth which is beyond form, time, and space.

The ultimate truth or Brahman or God can only be realized through Self -knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. Only through Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana can one cross the domain of duality.

Even then it is only a rare one who sees the all-pervading Brahman (God in truth). He sees the Brahman within more clearly than you see the objects of this world with your physical eyes.

Brahman is to be grasped within and is not to be sought outside. When there is a real longing to be united with Brahman, then he realizes the truth beyond form, time, and space. And still, only a rare one realizes Brahman.

When the Soul remains in its own awareness then there is oneness in the midst of diversity.

In Self-awareness, the world in which we exist is merely an illusion. The Soul, the 'Self itself is God. Realizing the Soul, the 'Self', is Self -realization or truth realization or God realization. ‘‘Self’’-awareness can never be achieved through an intellectual understanding of Advaita. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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There is no need to study philosophies of Berkeley, Kant, Hume, and other western and eastern philosophers.+

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