Sunday, 18 December 2022

The Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara is buried under religious orthodoxy and yoga.+

Your quest for the truth will finish only when you acquire the Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara. Bifurcate orthodoxy and yoga from the path of wisdom shown by Sage Sankara to move on to the ultimate end of understanding.
The Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara is buried under religious orthodoxy and yoga.
It is very difficult to understand and assimilate Sage Sankara's Advaitic wisdom from an orthodox perspective because orthodoxy is based on ignorance.

Seeker has to see Sage Sankara without religious identity and see Sage Sankara with rational lenses.

Sage Sankara is the only Sage who has shown the light on the path of truth.

Orthodox people who are attached to their religious code of conduct and trying to preach Advaita are unaware that religion is meant for the ignorant masses.

Orthodox people mix the individual life, and personal Gods based on blind faith and hotchpotch religious doctrine and feed the seekers, are themselves not aware of the fact that individuality and the worldly life are part of the illusory universe or Maya.

It is time to free oneself from the prison of orthodoxy and strive to acquire the Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara.

Adyatma is nothing to do with religious sects or creeds and religious beliefs or any philosophy or Guru's teaching. Adyatma is pure Spirituality. Knowledge of Atma is Adyatma. Advaita is Adyatma.

Adyatma is the knowledge of the truth beyond form, time, and space. Bifurcating religion, yoga, and theoretical philosophy and basing the truth on the Athma is Adyathma.

Adyatma is based on the ultimate truth which is based on the Atman or Spirit, which is the Self. Sage Sankara's Advaitic wisdom is pure Spirituality or Adyathma.

First Mundaka - Chapter 2 (10) - Ignorant fools, regarding sacrifices and humanitarian works as the highest, do not know any higher good. Having enjoyed their reward on the heights of heaven, gained by good works, they still remain in ignorance of the Atman the real God.
As a person, one performs rituals throughout his life. The person who performs rituals and aspires for rewards will view the world in which he exists as a reality. However, the Soul, the Self unborn eternal hidden by the world in which he exists. The Soul, the Self is the cause of the world in which he exists. From the standpoint of the Soul, the world in which he exists is merely an illusion.
The scriptures dealing with rituals, rewards, etc. are therefore addressed to an ignorant person.
First Mundaka - Chapter 2 (9) ~ Children, immersed in ignorance in various ways, flatter themselves, saying: We have accomplished life's purpose. Because these performers of karma do not know the Truth owing to their attachment, they fall from heaven, misery-stricken, when the fruit of their work is exhausted.
First Mundaka - Chapter 2 ~ Fools, dwelling in darkness, but wise in their own conceit and puffed up with vain scholarship, wander about, being afflicted by many ills, like blind men led by the blind.
Ish Upanishad declares:~ Those people who have neglected the attainment of Self-knowledge and have thus committed suicide 10/11/12
The religious orthodox people who have neglected the attainment of Self-knowledge and have thus committed suicide, as it were, are doomed to enter those worlds after death.
This is a condemnation of people who do not try to attain Self-knowledge. They are, in a real sense, committing suicide, for what can be worse than being a slave to sense enjoyment, completely oblivious of the real purpose of life, which is to be one ’s, own master?
Sage Sankara says “he who knows the Brahman (God in truth) is one and the ‘Self’ is another, does not know Brahman (God in truth).”

Bhagavan Buddha must have verified religion, the Vedas, and the concept of God and found them inadequate and useless in the pursuit of truth and rejected them and he got enlightened without the aid of religion, the Vedas, and the concept of God.

After studying and going through all the rigorous training from the religious scholars in the Theosophical Society, Krishnamurthy was confused about all these, and when he started verifying with deeper introspection, he found everything was priest-crafted hotchpotch ideologies. Thus, he refused to become the world Guru, rejected it, and walked out and condemned the priestcraft.

The orthodox Advaitins accept the karma theory. If they accept the karma theory, one will not be able to reach the nondual destination. If one accepts the karma theory, then it is impossible to treat the world as an illusion. 

All the pundits’ explanation of the karma theory carries no weight on the realm of truth because if karma is accepted, they are accepting the false Self (ego or body) as the true Self and false experience (universe or the waking) as a reality.

Birth, life, and death are part of the waking experience, which is merely an illusion from the standpoint of the true Self. It is no use saying that we are not born, we do not die, because all were born and we all are going to die. However, birth, life, and death are part of the illusion, which comes and goes as the waking experience. The nondual witness of the three states is real, which is the eternal identity that has no birth and death. That is why Self-knowledge is nothing to do with the religious-based Advaita. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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