Friday, 25 October 2024

The Advaitic truth is the ultimate truth that cannot be contradicted by any man at any time. Advaitic truth is an end to philosophical thinking.+

The  Advaitic truth is the ultimate truth that cannot be contradicted by any man at any time.  Advaitic truth is an end to philosophical thinking.

The worldly truth is a dualistic truth that is necessary in practical life within the practical world.  The practical life within the practical world is merely an illusion. 

If you take the external world alone, or the internal world alone, there is no end. But if you combine the two then there is an end--Truth.

The fundamental position of  sage Sankara Advaitic wisdom is: -We are not going to make any statement recording anything we do not see or know."

There are degrees of truth, most doctrines are partially correct in coming gradually nearer to truth and thus pointing towards it, but Advaita alone cannot be contradicted, all others are contradictable. 

Advaitic wisdom has been lost in the labyrinth of philosophy. People misinterpret and falsify it today because they propagate Advaita from the dualistic perspective.
The knowledge based on a dualistic perspective is intellectual knowledge based on the imagination, not Advaitic wisdom.
Advaitic wisdom is not yoga but the truth beyond form, time, and space. The teachers of philosophy and Gurus and yogis do not want to inquire into truth and have no time for it. They only want to propagate their accepted truth.
Advaitic wisdom has been lost for ages because it was hidden from the general populace by the Sages of truth. Advaitic wisdom was kept as "the Supreme secret."
Even in ancient days, people did not care for Advaitic wisdom they wanted religion; hence Advaitic wisdom Gnana got lost. That is why Krishna calls it "the supreme secret.
Instead of discussing religion, religious Gods, karma, and yoga, the seeker should dive into deeper self-search.
Religion and yoga are not final. They only give you temporary satisfaction. The knowledge of the whole universe is what is wanted to realize the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space.

The seeker should not rely on religion and Yoga, but to rely on the reason that is discrimination between real and unreal.

No Western philosophy has this idea of Non-duality as contributing to the criterion of truth: the nearest they have got to it is Monism.

If there is a contradiction; if another man doubts your definition, then we can’t say if it is true. We can neither deny nor affirm, but we cannot accept what is contradicted.

 “I know it” is the criterion of the yogi or mystic. "As revealed in the scriptures" is a criterion of religionists. But the scriptures are themselves revealed by men! But nothing personal will give you the truth. How do you know they saw the truth? Unless truth is defined and it is shown that it is beyond contradictions and present in the experience. 

Analyze the whole universe; think consistently about it. Exercise your thinking faculty and inquire continually; discrimination is essential; this practice is the only way to understand Advaita.


Every man has an attitude of "I know". Unless you give up the ‘I’ you can't get rid of the ideas "which are full of contradictions" to the truth seeker. But those who do not want the truth, do not see the contradictions and are satisfied.
It is an error to say that science is based on facts whereas ultimate truth is based on ideas. The latter is based on facts too. In fact, it starts with the fact observed by science but carries its inquiry deeper.

When the scientist wants to go more deeply into the meaning of his own facts he becomes a truth seeker, automatically, merely by deeper reflection. Science merges into spirituality or Adyatma, ultimately and there is no other way for it.

There is no hope for those who call themselves realists because they are unwilling to make inquiry into what is real.

The true scientist analyses and inquires, not relying on first impressions, and hence he is fit for truth; this is inquiry.
The yogi should understand that sitting quietly will bring him peace and not the truth, for he starts his quest without even knowing the meaning of truth. How then can he find it?
The notion that truth is an agreement of opinion with fact, is unacceptable because impossible to attain. How can you show that your opinion, i.e. your idea is the same?
If the fact is a bar of steel 5 ft. long, can you produce an idea also 5ft. long and lay it alongside the bar to see how far
both agree? No. You cannot.
Verification, testing, and proving of truth are absolutely necessary for the path of wisdom, “the end of Veda” whereas in the Vedas the truth is merely assumed.
Those who claim to have had occult experiences are like the insane because their experiences are similarly incommunicable to others. This breaks the first canon of science, i.e. truth must be communicable and verifiable.
Facts must be communicable and verifiable to everyone, and not, hidden as "occult experience,” if they are to be true facts.
"Knowing which everything else is known" is the seeker's goal and ideal in the path of wisdom, whereas Western philosophers say truth is unattainable, that God an insoluble mystery, and that we can never penetrate into the heart of things.
When scientists turn to religion and God through fear or awe or puzzlement, it is because they stop in their quest and are satisfied with what they have got. They do not care to go deeper into the truth.
The obscurity of so many philosophers is due to their doctrine being not based on fact and experience of life but on merely imagination.
Unless we go deeply into the root of the matter, our talk is vain and shallow. :~Santthosh Kumaar

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