Sunday, 12 January 2025

From the ultimate standpoint, The waking experience is merely an illusion.+

All the pleasure and suffering are a reality within the waking experience. All the success and failure are a reality within the waking experience.

Love and hate are part and parcel of the waking experience. From the ultimate standpoint, The waking experience is merely an illusion. 

Whatever riches one has whatever riches he has lost are within the waking experience. The birth, life, death, and the world are within the waking experience.

From the standpoint, of the Soul, the Self, the waking experience is merely an illusory experience.

Thus all the happening within the waking experience are happenings within the illusion.

Thus other than the Soul, the Self, all else is an illusion the Soul is present in the form of consciousness and is real and eternal. :~Santthosh Kumar

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