Sunday, 26 January 2025

Our body and the world in which we exist are made out of single clay. That single clay is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.+

Our body and the world in which we exist are made out of single clay. That single clay is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

Thus, the whole universe in which we exist is nothing but consciousness.

Thus, consciousness alone is real and the universe in which we exist is merely an illusion. Thus, all the contents of the universe are merely an illusion.

You are bound by birth, life and death, and the world. You are born in this world, which is merely an illusion.

You are living within the illusory world, and you are going to die within the illusory world. Whatever is born, lives, and dies within the illusory world is not the Self.

Only in illusion, there is form, time, and space. The form, time, and space within the illusory world have nothing to do with the Soul, the Self.

The Soul is present in the form of consciousness. From the standpoint of the Soul, the Self, there is no scope form, time, or space. In the real nature of the Soul, there is no duality.
All the years you have passed are an illusion. Billions of past and future years belong to the illusion.  
The things that happened billions of years ago and the things that are to happen billions of years from now are happening within the illusion.   
The illusion is an illusion that has nothing to do with the Soul, the Self. The Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness, is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.  
The practical life within the practical world has nothing to do with the Soul, the Self.  The Soul is the formless substance and the witness of the illusion.  
In the realm of the truth, the substance and the witness of the illusion are one in essence. That essence is the Soul or consciousness.  Thus, consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.   : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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