Wednesday, 8 January 2025

To realize the truth, which is hidden by ignorance, one must have the courage of Bhagavan Buddha.+

The realization of the ultimate truth or Brahman is very simple. We make it complicated by mixing diverse theories, different ideologies, religions, and yoga. All our accumulated knowledge is the greatest hindrance in the pursuit of truth.
To realize the truth, which is hidden by ignorance, one must have the courage of Bhagavan Buddha.
Bhagavan Buddha got enlightenment only after dropping the religion, Vedas, and the concept of God.
To realize the simple truth there is no need to go from one mountain to another, one Ashram to another or worship the Godmen or Guru as a God, or convert from one faith to another. The truth is universal. Anyone can realize it if has an intense urge.
The Advaitc truth is very simple, but it is very difficult to grasp because of ignorance. You have to only realize the world in which you exist is created out of a single clay. And that single clay is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.
Thus, you and your body and the world in which you exist are nothing but consciousness because they are merely an illusion created out of consciousness.
A perfect understanding of ‘what is what’ is needed.
I can point at the sky, but the seeing of the star is the seeker's own work.
It is necessary to reflect on the same truth again and again till it becomes a reality.
One needs to constantly reflect on the subject until he gets a firm conviction of what is what. Words of wisdom are needed until one gets a firm conviction of ‘what is what’.
People need to read and hear the words of wisdom to think reason and reflect deeply and reach the ultimate end.
“It takes time for the seeker to gain the perfect understanding of ‘what is the truth?’ and ‘’what is untruth?’.
It takes time for the Soul, the innermost Self to wake up from the sleep of ignorance, and it takes time for one to realize the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space.

There is no second thing that exists other than consciousness. In the world in which we exist, all our thoughts, words, beliefs, and experiences are nothing but consciousness. Realizing consciousness is everything, is truth realization or Self-realization or God-realization.  : ~ Santthosh Kumaar 

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