Monday 8 August 2022

Among thousands of men, scarcely one strives for perfection; and of those who strive and succeed, scarcely one realizes God in truth.+

Rig Veda: ~ 'Prajnanam Brahma'- Consciousness is the ultimate reality or Brahman or God in truth.

God in truth is the Atman, the Self. Atman is present in the form of consciousness.

Do not accept any other God other than Atman not worship other than Atman.

Let these words be inscribed in your subconscious.

Nothing is real but God. Nothing Matters but love for God in truth. God in truth is everywhere and in everything.

God in truth is hidden by the illusory universe. God in truth alone is and all else is an illusion.

Prohibition of idol worship in Yajurveda: ~

Yajur Veda – chapter- 32:~ God is Supreme Spirit has no ‘Pratima’ (idol) or material shape. He cannot be seen directly by anyone.  God pervades all beings and all directions.

Yajurveda: ~ There is no image of God in truth. God in truth is unborn and eternal. (Chapter 32, Verse 3)

Yajurveda: ~ God in truth is nondual and pure" (Chapter 40, Verse) 

Yajurveda: ~ "They are entering darkness, those who worship the natural things (like air, water, fire, etc.), they are sinking more in darkness who worship created things." (Chapter 40, Verse 9)

Thus, Idolatry does not find any support from the Vedas.

Yajurveda: ~ "They are entering darkness, those who worship the natural things (like air, water, fire, etc.), they are sinking more in darkness who worship created things." (Chapter 40, Verse 9)

Bhagavad Gita: ~Brahmano hi pratisthaham- Brahman (God in truth) is considered the all-pervading consciousness which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material. ( 14.27)

Millions are searching for God, but one in million will realize God in truth. If you are seeking God in truth then you are one from that million.

Among thousands of men, scarcely one strives for perfection; and of those who strive and succeed, scarcely one realizes God in truth.

Bhagavad Gita: ~ “All those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, they worship many Gods. (7- Verse -20)

Bible says:~ “God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24)

Mythreyi Upanishad 2:26 says: ~ “All those who desire to have salvation without taking several births, should worship God in spirit and truth.

Brihad Upanishad: ~ “If you think there is another entity, whether man or God, there is no truth."

Kena Upanishad (6) Chapter I: ~ “That which cannot be apprehended by the mind, but by which, they say, the mind is apprehended-That alone know as Brahman, and not that which people here worship.

Kena Upanishad (7) Chapter I:~ That which cannot be perceived by the eye, but by which the eye is perceived-That alone know as Brahman, and not that which people here worship.

Kena Upanishad (8) Chapter I:~ That which cannot be heard by the ear, but by which the hearing is perceived-That alone know as Brahman, and not that which people here worship.

Kena Upanishad (9)- Chapter I:~ That which cannot be smelt by the breath, but by which the breath smells an object-That alone know as Brahman, and not that which people here worship.

Realize what God is supposed to be in actuality and drop all other Gods which you believe and worship.

So, it clearly indicates that God is formless thus there is no scope for a form-based God. The religion and its ideas of Gods, and its theories of karma, heaven, hell, papa, punya, rebirth, and reincarnation are based on the false self (ego), within the false experience (waking). Therefore, they are meant for lower mindsets, they are of no use for those who are seeking higher truth as indicated in the scriptures.

Why worship personal Gods when Sage Sankara says God in truth is impersonal.

Sage Sankara’s Supreme Brahman is impersonal, Nirguna (without Gunas or attributes), Nirakara (formless), Nirvisesha (without special characteristics), immutable, eternal, and Akarta (non-agent). It is above all needs and desires. It is always the Witnessing Subject. It can never become an object as It is beyond the reach of the senses. Brahman is non-dual, one without a second. It has no other besides it. It is destitute of difference, either external or internal.

Brahman cannot be described because description implies a distinction. Brahman cannot be distinguished from any other than It. In Brahman, there is not distinction between substance and attribute. Sat-Chit-Ananda constitutes the very essence or Svarupa of Brahman and not just Its attributes. The Nirguna Brahman of Sage Sankara is impersonal.

Humanity has to awaken to the reality of its true existence by realizing the world in which humanity exists is merely an illusion created out of the consciousness through Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.:~Santthosh Kumaar

Consciousness appears as ‘I’ and ‘I ’‘disappears as consciousness.+

There are no two ‘I’ as propagated by some Gurus. There is only one ‘I’, which appears and disappears. There is only one Soul, the Self.

All the Gurus glorified the ‘I’. Thus, it becomes very difficult to discard the ‘I’. Those who have accepted the ‘I-centric teaching refuse to accept anything other than their accepted truth.

Till you hold the ‘Self’ as the ‘I’, your knowledge remains skin deep.

The Soul, the Self is present in the form of consciousness. Consciousness appears as the ‘I’ and 'I; disappear as Consciousness.

Do not make the mistake of holding the Self as ‘I’ because 'I' is not permanent. ‘I’ disappears as the Soul, the Self, which is present in the form of consciousness.

‘I’ is an illusion. And consciousness, which is the cause of the illusory 'I' is real and eternal. Consciousness appears as ‘I’ and ‘I ’‘disappears as consciousness.

Bhagavad Gita: ~ “The permanent is always there, only the transient ‘I’ comes and goes. (2.18)

The ‘I’ hides the Soul, the Self, which is present in the form of consciousness.

The ‘I’ itself is the illusory bondage because the ‘I’ itself is the cause of ignorance.

When the Self is not 'I' but the Soul then whatever is based on 'I' is a falsehood. First, make sure what the ‘Self’ is in actuality

The Soul, the Self is not ‘I’ but the Soul, the Self is the witness of the coming and going, of the ‘I’. Thus, that appears and disappears as ‘I’ is not the Self.

The seeker has to make sure what is this ‘I’ supposed to be. The seeker has to make sure the unreal nature of the ‘I’ which comes and goes to realize the truth; which is beyond form, time, and space.

The ‘I’ hides the Soul, the Self, which is present in the form of consciousness.

People think the ‘I’ without the body is the Self. The seeker has to understand the fact that ‘I’ is not the Self, but the witness of the ‘I’ is the true Self, which is eternal.

That is why Ashtavakra Gita 16:10:~ “If you desire liberation, but you still say ‘I’ if you feel the ‘Self’ is the ‘I’, you are not a wise man or a seeker. You are simply a man who suffers.

People are stuck with the reality of the ‘I’, which they take it as real because some Gurus have propagated the Self is the ‘I’. There is no need to convince such a mindset. The seeker of truth accepts only the truth nothing but the truth.

That is why Sage Sankara says: ~ VC-65-. As a treasure hidden underground requires (for its extraction) competent instruction, excavation, the removal of stones and other such things lying above it, and (finally) grasping, but never comes out by being (merely) called out by name, so the transparent Truth of the Self, which is hidden by Maya and its effects, is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, followed by reflection, meditation and so forth, but not through perverted arguments.

People refuse to accept anything other than their Guru's words. For them, their Guru's words are the ultimate truth. They do not accept anything else other than their accepted truth. There is no need to convince such a mindset.

Such mindsets are not fit to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. The seekers of truth accept only the truth nothing but the uncontradictable truth. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Sunday 7 August 2022

Doomed to shipwreck are those who try to cross the Ocean of ignorance on these poor rafts of I-centric knowledge.+

Identifying the ‘Self’ as 'you' is a great error. The Self is not you but the’ Self’ is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.

The form, time, and space are an object to the Soul, which is the subject. The Soul, the Self witnesses the form, time, and space together.

The form, time, and space appear as ‘I’. When ‘I’ disappears then the form, time, and space also disappear.

The ‘I-centric Gurus hold you as the Self are unaware of the truth hidden by the ‘I’.

The knowledge expounded by the ‘I-centric’ Gurus and their teaching is lower knowledge. The seeker has to ignore this ‘I-centric teaching and search for higher knowledge, which is hidden by ignorance.

This is your bondage that you are stuck up to the ‘I’ centric teaching. ‘I’ centric teachings are lower knowledge meant for lower stages.

The seeker has to ignore these ‘I’ based teaching and searcforof higher knowledge. ... Such teachings are unsafe rafts for crossing the ocean of ignorance. Doomed to shipwreck are those who try to cross the ocean of the ignorance on these poor rafts. Ignorant of their own ignorance, yet wise in their own esteem, these deluded people proud of their vain learning go round and round like the blind led by the blind.

The Soul, the Self is verily Brahman (God), being equanimous, quiescent, and by nature absolute Existence, Knowledge, and Awareness. The Soul is not the ‘I’ which is non-existence itself. Realization of this truth is called Self- Knowledge by the Sages of truth.

There is nothing exists prior to consciousness. The ‘I’ cease to exist without consciousness. The Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness, is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.

That is why Bhagavad Gita: ~ ‘The permanent (consciousness) is always there, only the transient ‘I’ comes and goes. (2.18)

The ‘I’ hides the Soul, the Self, which is present in the form of consciousness.

Bhagavad Gita: ~ “You must first see the ‘I’ as illusory before you see others as illusory. ~ CH.2 v.16

First, you must make sure the ‘I’ itself is illusory because the ‘I’ is not permanent.

The seeker has to find for himself the truth of his true existence and to come to a fuller and deeper understanding and realization of the truth, which is hidden by the illusory form, time, and space.

The purpose quest for truth is to first find out what is the untruth to realize the truth and discard the untruth.

Do not try to get rid of the ego you will never succeed in getting rid of the ego. Think in a different direction. The ego exists only in the domain of form, time, and space.

The form, time, and space exist only when the mind exists.

The mind exists only when the universe exists.

The universe appears only when the waking appears.

The waking appears only when the ‘I’ appears.


The ‘I’ disappears as deep sleep.

There is no form, time, and space when ‘I’ disappears.

There is no mind when ‘I’ disappears.

There is a universe when the ‘I’ disappears.

There is no waking when the ‘I’ disappears.


‘I’ appears means the duality appears.

The duality appears means there is a division of form, time, and space.

If there is division of the form, time, and space in consciousness means there is diversity in the unity.


When ‘I’ disappears there is nonduality.

Nonduality is the fullness of the consciousness without the division of form, time, and space.

The fullness of the consciousness means unity in diversity.

Unity in diversity in consciousness is Advaita.

Consciously becoming aware of the Soul in the midst of diversity (waking) is Self- awareness or Brahmic awareness.

If you desire Self-realization, but you still say "I,” and if you feel the ‘Self’ is the ‘I’, you are not a wise seeker. You are simply ignorant.

‘I’-centric knowledge is an unsafe raft for crossing The Ocean of ignorance, which is the cause of experiencing the dualistic illusion as a reality. Doomed to shipwreck are those who try to cross the Ocean of ignorance on these poor rafts of ‘I-centric knowledge.

Ignorant of their own ignorance, yet wise in their own esteem, these deluded people proud of their vain learning go round and round like the blind led by the blind. : ~Santthosh Kumaar

Rig Veda:~The Vedas exclaim from time immemorial, Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti, Existence is One, Sages call it by different Names. +

Rig Veda says: May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman.

If so what is the value of all the worship rituals, and prayers based on Mythical Gods?

For religious people rituals and worship are more important than the scholastic and esoteric path of wisdom shown by Sage Sankara.

By worshipping Gods with form and attributes, repeating mantras is like watering barren soil. The seeker of truth should not waste life in empty formalities. Without realizing the world in which he exists is merely an illusion it is impossible to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

First, realize what God is supposed to be in actuality. Without knowing what god is supposed to be in actuality according to your own scriptures what is the use of loving God or worshipping God?

Real God is not a religious God. Religious Gods are mythical Gods based on belief. Belief-based Gods are a myth.

Mythological stories are a myth. Whatever is based on myth is merely a superstition. Mythology was introduced in the past, to the ignorant masses. It has to be discarded as one progresses in his spiritual advancement.

Mythology breeds superstition, blind belief, senseless rituals, and the most irrational and gives them a divine outlook.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad:~ "He who worships the deities as entities entirely separate from him does not know the truth. For the Gods, he is like a pasu (beast)". (1. 4. 10)

Bible says: ~ “God is a Spirit, and they that worship God must worship God in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24)

The Spirit is the root element of the universe. The Spirit is present in the form of the Soul, the  Self. The Soul is present in the form of consciousness. 

From the Spirit, the universe comes into existence. In the Spirit, the universe resides. And into the Spirit, the universe is dissolved. The Spirit is the parent of all that is there.

Religion can never make you know God because it propagates the Gods based on blind belief. Only an intense urge to know what God is supposed to be in truth can make you realize God in truth.

The Soul, the ‘Self is the Infinite God.

The Soul is the Self. God in truth is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. God in truth is the fullness of consciousness without the illusory division of form, time, and space. Therefore, there is nothing apart from it.

The God in truth is Self-evident. God in truth is not established by extraneous proofs. It is not possible to deny God in truth because God in truth is the very essence of the one who denies it. God in truth is the basis of all kinds of knowledge, presuppositions, and proofs. God in truth is within the universe in which you exist, God in truth is without the universe in which you live.

The Vedas confirm God is Atman (Spirit), the Self.

Rig Veda:~The Vedas exclaim from time immemorial, Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti, Existence is One, Sages call it by different Names. - 1-164-146

Rig Veda: ~ The Atman is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe. May ye never turn away from the Atman, the Self. May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman?" (10:48, 5)

Rig Veda: ~ 'Prajnanam Brahma'- Consciousness is the ultimate reality or Brahman or God in truth.

God in truth is the Atman, the Self. Atman is present in the form of consciousness.

Do not accept any other God other than Atman not worship other than Atman.

Let these words be inscribed in your subconscious.

Nothing is real but God. Nothing Matters but love for God in truth. God in truth is everywhere and in everything.

God in truth is hidden by the illusory universe. God in truth alone is and all else is an illusion/

Prohibition of idol worship in Yajurveda: ~
Yajur Veda – chapter- 32:~ God is Supreme Spirit has no ‘Pratima’ (idol) or material shape. God cannot be seen directly by anyone. God pervades all beings and all directions.
Yajurveda: ~ There is no image of God in truth. God in truth is unborn and eternal. (Chapter 32, Verse 3)
Yajurveda: ~ God in truth is nondual and pure"
Yajurveda: ~ "They are entering darkness, those who worship the natural things (like air, water, fire, etc.), they are sinking more in darkness who worship created things." (Chapter 40, Verse 9)
Thus, Idolatry does not find any support from the Vedas.
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: ~ Brahman (God in truth) is present in the form of the Athma and is indeed Athma itself.

People, who worship the belief of God, are hallucinating that they become one with such God.

Vedas itself says:~ May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman? Thus, to know the real God Self-realization is necessary. Self-realization itself is God-realization. Self-realization is real worship.

How can you worship God? That implies two ~ the worshipper and the worshiped, whereas the God is non-dual. One can worship his idea of God only or realize his unity with it when he can’t worship it as apart.

When Upanishads and Vedas declare that “God is the form of the Athma, and God is indeed Athma itself” then why accept another God in place of the Atman or worship other than the Atman?

God is the Supreme Being the One eternal homogeneous essence, indivisible consciousness, and intelligence, which is beyond form, time, and space. Which the Sages describe in a variety of ways through diverse words.

Bhagavad Gita: ~ ‘All those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, they worship many God s. (7- Verse -20)

Only the path of wisdom leads the seeker of truth on his journey to the ultimate realization of the true nature of the Universal Essence, which is the Soul. The Soul is present in the form of consciousness.

Bhagavad Gita: 7: 19:~ "Such a man who has attained true knowledge, the knowledge of Self, the knowledge of Atman, worships ‘Self’ as~ Atman (God in truth) alone exists~ everything is Atman, there exists nothing except Atman. Such a man is extremely rare."

Bhagavad Gita: ~ Brahmano hi pratisthaham ~ Brahman (God in truth) is considered the all-pervading consciousness, which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material. (14.27).

When Bhagavad Gita says, God is considered the all-pervading consciousness which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material then nothing has to be accepted as God other than consciousness.

Lord Krishna says Ch ~V: ~ “Those who know the Self in truth.". The last two words (tattvataha) are usually ignored by pundits, but they make all the difference between the ordinary concept of God and the truth about God.

The dualistic worship of "God” is only for the ignorant populace. The God in truth is only Atman, the innermost Self. In reality, there is no duality, no differentiation. Only Atman exists. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar 

Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara is pure spirituality or Adyathma do not make it a philosophic sect. Sage Sankara’s path of wisdom is the independent search for truth.+

Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara is pure spirituality or Adyathma do not make it a philosophic sect. Sage Sankara’s path of wisdom is the independent search for truth.  

Manduka Upanishad shows how one opinion may be used to contradict another, so that both may be thrown away. Opinions are not for philosophy; they are as Ashtavakra says, merely thoughts; it wants the truth.

Self-knowledge will not arise from the exchange of views and opinions and arguments. The accumulated knowledge is not a yardstick, to realize the truth beyond form, time, and space.

In the path of wisdom discussion of the unimportant subject matter, and creates a hindrance. The path of truth is the path of verification. Nothing has to be accepted as truth without verification.

Those who argue and try to provoke from their own standpoint based on their accumulated knowledge are like a worm in the dung, which cannot survive without the dung.

Swami Vivekananda: ~ “The wicked are always looking for defects. Flies come and seek for the ulcer, and bees come only for the honey in the flower. Do not follow the way of the fly but that of the bee.
The Advaitic wisdom is not suited for the unsettled mind, which sticks to religion, yoga, and all non-Vedic worship and activities. There is no use in convincing such a mindset. Everyone is free to move on his chosen path.
Bhagavan Buddha: ~ “There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth: not going all the way... and not starting.
Self-knowledge will not arise from the exchange of views and opinions and arguments. The accumulated knowledge is not a yardstick, to realize the truth beyond form, time, and space.
In the path of wisdom discussion of the unimportant subject matter, and creates a hindrance. The path of truth is the path of verification. Nothing has to be accepted as truth without verification.
As with all things, achieving a balance of peaceful communications is established with respect, humility, understanding, and patience. Balancing an achievement is harder.
Atmic path is not the path of discussion, but the path of realization of the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space.
Sage Goudpada: ~ To establish the truth of Non-duality by sheer reasoning alone. He begins by defining "What is real?" "What is unreal?" etc, because that is the right way to understand and assimilate. People must first know what they are talking about. (Manduka Karika)
The seeker of truth should not become attached to words as being in perfect conformity with meaning because Truth is not in the letters.
The words and their discrimination bind one to the duality; meaning stands alone and is a guide to non-dual awareness. Meaning is attained by much learning, and much learning is attained by becoming conversant with meaning and not with words; therefore, seekers of truth have to avoid the sticklers for particular words.
The path of wisdom is divided into three parts:~
First:- Hearing the truth--that the consciousness is the only reality and that the universe along with you is merely an illusion or Maya.
Second:- Reasoning upon these words of wisdom of Sage Sankara from all points of view.
Third:- Giving up all further argumentation and realizing the truth. This realization comes from being certain that consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.:~Santthosh Kumaar

Rest in consciousness by realizing the world in which you exist is nothing but consciousness.+

Bhagavad Gita: 7: 19:~ "Atman alone exists~ everything is Atman, there exists nothing except Atman. Such a man is extremely rare."

Bhagavad Gita: ~ Brahman (God in truth) is considered the all-pervading consciousness which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material. (brahmano hi pratisthaham. ( 14.27)

All is consciousness. The whole universe is consciousness. From consciousness, the universe comes. When the universe disappears, consciousness still remains without form, time, and space.
Sage Sankara: ~ “VC~ All this universe which through ignorance appears as of diverse forms, is nothing else but Brahman (Consciousness) which is absolutely free from all the limitations of Maya.
It proves that the all-pervading Atman, which is present in the form of consciousness, is God. Thus worshipping the form-based Gods is meant for the ignorant populace who are incapable of realizing the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space.

Sage Sankara says: - VC-47- All the effects of ignorance, root, and branch, are burnt down by the fire of knowledge, which arises from discrimination between these two—the Self and the non-Self.
Till you think you are an individual separate from the world and the world existed prior to you and you are born in it afterward ignorance will prevail as a reality. Until ignorance is there the universe prevails as reality.
Sage Sankara says: ~ “The exercise in discrimination between real and unreal and renunciation of the false is real meditation, then why you are indulging in other types of meditation.
Perfect understanding and realization of ‘what is what’ -leads to Self-awareness. By holding onto theories one remains in the realm of duality.

Rest in consciousness by realizing the world in which you exist is nothing but consciousness. 

The Soul is the fullness of consciousness without division of form, time, and space. Thus, consciousness alone is real and eternal and all else is merely an illusion created out of consciousness.

Sage Sankara says: ~ “What is accepted without a proper inquiry will not lead to the final Goal. (Commentary on Vedanta Sutra)

Nothing has to be accepted as truth without verificationSage Sankara is the only Sage who has final authority on the Advaitic truth (non-duality). The Advaitic truth is rational truth and scientific truth without dogma. Advaitic wisdom is nothing to do with orthodox Advaita, which is dualistic. 

Orthodox Advaita is a sect, which blindly accepts and follows dogmas and superstitions. The Advaitic orthodoxy is not the means to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. Advaitic orthodoxy is meant for the ignorant populace that is unfit to grasp the highest truth. The Advaitic orthodoxy is nothing to do with the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.:~Santthosh Kumaar 

Sage Sankara says:~ Athma alone exists, and the rest is all superimposition on Athma, due to ignorance.+

Sage Sankara says:~ Athma alone exists, and the rest is all superimposition on Athma, due to ignorance. 

All indeed is this Brahman. This Atman is Brahman.  God in truth. 

Adyatma is nothing to do with religious sects or creeds and religious beliefs. Adyatma is pure spirituality. Knowledge of Atma is Adyatma. Advaita is Adyatma. 

Adyatma is the knowledge of the truth hidden by the illusory form, time, and space. Bifurcate religion, yoga, and theoretical philosophy and base the truth on the Athma it is Adyathma. 

Adyatma is based on the ultimate truth, which is based on the Atman or Spirit, which is the Self. 

Sage Sankara's Advaitic wisdom is pure spirituality or Adyathma.

Come ye slow, or come ye fast; it is but the Soul, the Advaita that reveals itself at last.


Upanishad:~ ‘Know Athma as Brahman and give up other talks’

To establish the  Advaitic truth or Non-duality by sheer reasoning alone. The seeker begins by defining 'What is real?' 'What is unreal?' etc, because that is the right way to understand and assimilate.

All the Gurus of the east and west knowledge of the Advaitic wisdom is based on a dualistic perspective and orthodoxy point of view.

To acquire the Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sankara the seeker hast to discard the teachings of the Advaitic Gurus of the east and west.
The first step is to distinguish between the real and the unreal. That is to know about the dual and nondual experience.
The seeker has to discriminate between real and unreal. It means separating the subject from the object through deeper analysis.
The real is the subject and the unreal is an object. The Advaitic Gurus of the east and west cannot think of the subject because they are unaware of the fact that the subject is hidden by the object.
Without the subject, there is no object. The subject can stay without the object whereas the object is fully dependent on the subject for its existence because the object is nothing but an illusion created out of the subject.
The subject is contained in the object. Consciousness cannot be apart from the object because the object is merely an illusion. Thus, the objective illusion has no value because it is non-existent without consciousness.
The dualists regard objects as a reality because they are ignorant and have no idea of a subject and hence never seek it.
From the Advaitic perspective, the object is also regarded as the subject because the object is nothing but an illusion created out of the subject.
The ice will not form without the water, and the cloud will not form without the water, similarly, the world, in which you exist ceases to exist without consciousness.
The world, in which you exist, is created out of single stuff. The Knowledge of the single stuff is Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.
The world in which we exist is an object to the Soul, which is the formless subject. The object is created out of the subject. In reality, the subject and object are one, in essence. That essence is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.
Thus, the world in which we exist is nothing but consciousness, which is the subject.
Thus, the subject alone is real and eternal, the world in which we exist is merely an illusion.
From the standpoint of the Soul, the Self, there is neither the object nor the subject, there is unity in diversity. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

There is no need to study philosophies of Berkeley, Kant, Hume, and other western and eastern philosophers.+

Science may give the scientific answers, religion the religious answers, and the yogi will give yogic answers but in pursuit of truth the se...