Friday 9 September 2022

A yogi cannot attain realization.+

Lord Krishna confesses that the oldest wisdom of India ( Advaita wisdom) has been lost: people misinterpret and falsify it today as they did then. It is not yoga but philosophic truth. But nobody knows it. The teachers of philosophy and leaders of mysticism or religion do not want to inquire into truth and have no time for it. (Gita ~ Chap ~IV~ v.2)
Why is the word Yoga used in so many different senses in the Gita? Because there are grades and the highest demands concentrated brains, not sitting mindless and imagining you are seeing God.
In Gita Chap.IV where Lord Krishna says: ~ “This yoga has been lost for ages" the word yoga refers to Gnana yoga, not other yogas: the force of the word this is to point this out.
Lord Krishna describes some of the other yogas but devotes this chapter separately to Gnana yoga. So one sees even in those ancient days people did not care for Advaita; they wanted religion; hence Gnana got lost. That is why Krishna calls it "the supreme secret." Krishna points out that yoga must see "Brahman in action."

Gita Chap.IV:~ “He who achieves perfection in Yoga finds the Self in time." This means that after his yoga is finished, he begins the inquiry into ultimate truth, and in due course, this inquiry produces the realization of the universal spirit as the result.
Let carefully noted that the Yogic Samadhi is nothing but a long trance, and is not Self-awareness.
Although the ego becomes still for some time, people generally overestimate their feeling and sensation, and a Yogic Samadhi is invariably supposed to be Self-realization.
The Yogic Samadhi is a temporary state; as soon as the yogi comes out of it, he becomes aware of the duality and reminisces again in the grip of ignorance.
Thus, the Yogic Samadhi will not eradicate ignorance.
The Yogic Samadhi is experienced by you. You are the false self within the false experience. Thus, the Yogic Samadhi can never take one beyond the experience of form, time, and space.
Self-realization is the realization of the truth that is beyond form, time, and space.
Self-realization is only gained through acquiring the Self-knowledge of Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. Only through the Self-knowledge of Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana does the Soul transcends the limits of form, time, and space and becomes free from experiencing the dualistic illusion as a reality.
Thus, it is only in the realm of the Soul that the mind becomes one with the Soul, the Self.
Panchadasi: ~ the impossibility of yoga arriving at a successful end to its practices. P.509 v, 109
Self-realization through yoga is not philosophic. Every yogi who shuts himself in a cave is not thereby freed from thinking.
Yoga can lead only to temporary peace because the world is subject to change. Only Self- knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana can yield Advaitic awareness in the midst of the form, time, and space.
Buddha gave up yoga after practicing it for six years. He saw it could not yield truth.

Buddha gave up his austerities of yoga as impossible and useless. Thus, Buddha got enlightenment only after he gave up Yoga. (Page.70/71 "Buddhism In Translation” by Warren)


A yogi cannot attain realization, because he thinks his body to be body and world to be world and fails to see them as consciousness and thinks his experience of Samadhi is because of his individual effort.

The individual experience is limited to waking experience and is merely an illusion. Thus even his Samadhi is also limited to the waking experience, which is merely an illusion.

Yogi thinks the thoughtlessness is Samadhi but thoughts are of individuality. Thoughts disappear even in deep sleep. Therefore deep sleep is not wisdom.

If one thinks thoughtlessness is Samadhi and Samadhi is Brahman then anyone can get knowledge of Brahman by taking sleeping pills or hemp.

Brih Upanishad: page 32. "Yoga does not yield truth or liberation."

One who is in Samadhi will not know that this universe as consciousness; therefore yoga is not the means to Self- knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

In Samadhi the yogi knows nothing and sees no universe; so if there is nothing but blankness. The blankness is not the Advaitic wisdom.

The yogi does not know the nature of the universe. If the universe is not seen in the Samadhi then there is no need to use the word Atman and Brahman. The yogi is unaware of the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space.

By shutting his eyes in Samadhi, the yogi does not know the universe, which confronts him. Hence the universe can't be known as the Soul or consciousness through yoga.

One is in a non-dual condition in deep sleep or Samadhi, One without a second, true, but he did not know it at the time.

He says only in the waking experience afterward. Hence, there must be an inquiry so that you find nonduality whilst you are awake so that you can see nonduality at the time not afterward. Hence, too the need for inquiring into the nature of the universe and knowing it as the Soul or consciousness whilst one is awake, and not during sleep or Samadhi.:~ Santthosh Kumaar

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There is no need to study philosophies of Berkeley, Kant, Hume, and other western and eastern philosophers.+

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