Sunday, 19 November 2023

Consciousness is the real and eternal. God rest all is an illusion.+

Even the Vedas indicate that the Self is consciousness:-

v Tat tvam asi: -Thou art That “Self is that”-(Sam Veda).

v Prajnanam Brahma: - Consciousness is the ultimate reality (Rig Veda).

v Ayam Aatma Brahma: -The Self is the ultimate truth (Atharva Veda).

v Aham Brahma Asmi: -Self is the ultimate reality (Yajur Veda)

Your existence is limited to form, time, and space because the ‘Self is not you. The Self is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. The Soul is a formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

First, realize the ‘Self’ is not you but the ‘Self’ is the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. Mentally hold on to the Soul and mentally reduce the world in which you exist as consciousness by realizing the world in which you exist is nothing but an illusion created out of consciousness. Consciousness is the ultimate truth of Brahman or God in truth.

Consciousness is the real God rest all is an illusion.

Bhagavad Gita says: ~ “Brahmano hi pratisthaham" Brahman (God in truth) is considered the all-pervading consciousness which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material (Gita 14.27)

When Bhagavad Gita says, God is considered the all-pervading consciousness which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material then nothing has to be accepted as God other than consciousness.

Vedas, Upanishad, and Bhagavad Gita confirm the Soul, the Self, is present in the form of the Spirit or consciousness.

The real God is stolen by ignorance and people worship ignorance as God because the religion propagates false God as real God.

All the ‘I-centric’ Gurus and their teachings lose their value in Soulcentric vision.


When you realize the words, thoughts, and world in which you exist are created out of single stuff and that single stuff is consciousness, then you will realize the truth which is hidden by the illusory form, time, and space.

When everything is created out of consciousness then there is no second thing that exists, other than consciousness. It takes time to grasp the Advaitic truth. All the obstacles have to be overcome one by one.

Realize with full and firm conviction that: ~

You are not you but consciousness; your body is not the body but consciousness, the world in which you exist is not the world but consciousness.

Everything that is known, seen, believed, and experienced by you is nothing but consciousness then what else remains, which is not consciousness. There is nothing else to realize other than to realize consciousness alone is, everything else is merely an illusion created out of consciousness.

By realizing everything is consciousness, the Advaitic wisdom dawns. Perfect understanding and assimilation of ‘what is what’ lead to Advaitic awareness.

Without the world, in which you exist God alone exists. When God disappears the world, in which you exist appears. The world, in which you exist disappears God appears. Thus, realize the God to be the Soul.

The Soul is the Self. Thus, the Soul which is present in the form of consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.

If you stick to the ultimate truth then you will realze the world in which you exist is merely an illusion created out of consciousness. If you realize this truth you will live in this world but not of this world. Thus, consciousness alone is real and eternal.


The Advaitic wisdom leads the seeker from darkness to light, from ignorance to wisdom, from unawareness of the ‘Self’ to Self-awareness, from unreality to reality.

Bhagavad Gita: 7: 19:~ Such a man who has attained Self-knowledge or the knowledge of Atman, hods Atman as God. Atman alone exists~ everything is Atman, there exists nothing except Atman.

All is consciousness. The whole universe is consciousness. From consciousness, the universe comes. When the universe disappears, consciousness still remains without form, time, and space

The Soul itself is God, the One without a Second:

The Soul is the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth . The Soul or God in truth is present in the form of consciousness. Thus, consciousness itself is God in truth.

Even Bhagavad Gita says: ~ Brahmano hi pratisthaham ~ Brahman (God) is considered the all-pervading consciousness, which is the basis of all the animate and inanimate entities and material. (14.27).

Consciousness, the God in truth is Self-evident. It is not established by extraneous proofs. It is not possible to deny God in truth because God in truth is the very essence of the one who denies God in truth. God in truth is the basis of all kinds of knowledge, presuppositions, and proofs.

Even Rig Veda: ~ The Atman (Soul) is the cause; Atman is the support of all that exists in this universe. May ye never turn away from the Atman the Self. May ye never accept another God in place of the Atman nor worship other than the Atman?"

Even in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: ~ Brahman (God) is present in the form of the Athma, and it is indeed Athma itself’.

The Vedas talk about Brahman (God) which refers to the ultimate truth or ultimate reality or Advaita. Consciousness is the Advaita or the ultimate truth, therefore, consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman. Brahman is Advaita, the God in truth. : ~Santthosh Kumaar

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