Many seekers are stuck up with the idea of experiencing the Self and have become identified with those experiences, thinking, they have realized the Self.
If one bases it on the sayings of some Guru and Saints, even granting that they honestly believed in their experiences, there is still the query of how they know that these experiences were the truth. Because the experience is possible only in the domain of form, time, and space. The form, time, and space are within the dualistic illusion or Maya.
Thus, whatever experience experienced within the dualistic illusion is bound to be a falsehood.
Whatever we believe in what we see feel and experience is within the dualistic illusion. The truth cannot be ascertained through experiences.
The experience implies duality. If one says it is anubhava or experience, then my experience differs from yours: Such disagreement does not settle the matter.
People have stopped before reaching the final stage where all experiences disappear. Enlightenment is not an experience. However beautiful and enchanting an experience you come across, it is merely a hallucination because the Self is not you but the invisible Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.
The ultimate in the journey is the point when there is no experience There is nothing as an object for the Soul, the Self, but only subjectivity.
Many seekers have gotten stuck in beautiful experiences, and have become identified with those experiences, thinking, “I have Self-realized. They have stopped before reaching the final stage where there is experience to experience.
Self-realization is not an experience. However beautiful and enchanting an experience one may come across it is merely a hallucination. :~Santthosh Kumaar
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